Apr 11, 2009 18:59
This is getting ridiculous! How the hell did I get so sick so fast?!! I spent most of yesterday in bed and all of last night tossing and turning and going from too hot to too cold and back again. My body still aches and I can't walk straight and I've been taking more Advil in the last day than I have in the past couple of months. Seriously.... seriously.... what the fuck is going on?!
On an aside, Happy Easter to everyone and know that I want to cry because I can't be home eating my mother's awesome food and asking her to give my aching back a back rub (and as she used to be a massage therapist it'd be a good one too!). I hate holidays abroad. They just make you feel depressed. If I somehow magically start to feel better I might just try to go out and hit up Pure Sound to see if they have any awesome goth and/or goth loli deals...