From great to bad ~

Nov 08, 2008 00:50

Last night I had a lovely dinner with my friend Nance and her two friends Haruka and Yoshimi. We went to a lovely izakaya near Namba HIPS called Gold One (Kin Ichi) where Haruka and Yoshimi proceeded to order food for all of us. It was all really delicious! I never end up going to izakayas unless there are Japanese people with me. Haha.
After that Nance and I said goodbye to the other girls and headed over to Bar Seven where her friend bar tends. I finally got to meet her best friend Lee who is really sweet. (I want to steal her cats!) That night I had to say goodbye to Nance as it was her last night here in Osaka before heading home to Australia and headed home for some sleep before work today. It was such a big bummer because Nance has been an awesome friend to do things with. Her schedule was really flexible (no job! Just vacation here for 2 months!) and she was so much fun to talk to!! It's so sad how quickly people come and leave Japan. The turnover rate here is just crazy.
Anyway, cue to today: I wake up with this weird pressurized feeling in my head. After yawning and trying to pop my ears with minimal success (I got one ear to clear but the other stubbornly stayed clogged) I go hopping online for some cures. Yahoo Answers felt that I had some sort of ear wax build-up (ugh) and should dump hydrogen peroxide in my ear. Hmm. Well, I went to work and - thank the gods - managed to get a sub to cover one of my shifts so I could run down to the ear/mouth/allergy clinic that so conveniently happens to be located one floor down from my school. Turns out I have an ear infection. Great. Just great. Add in the fact that I have no insurance (totally my fault) so I had to pay more than usual. Luckily it was still really cheap ($40 for the check-up and $10 for antibiotics) but that took up most of the money in my wallet. Here comes the rather annoying problem: my bank is closed until Monday. No money for me and I have plans to go to Kyoto tomorrow. Grrrrr. I wonder if I can still manage somehow? I hope so, though I wonder if I'll end up being a bit of a killjoy...? Maybe I should just stay home...?
So I am rather grumpy today, actually.

ear, sick, japan, food

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