What I've been up to (with Halloween coming up) ~

Oct 18, 2008 19:39

Lots of wasted time but I did go to Tokyu Hands last night to pick up some thin gold wire, brown hemp string, and random baubles to put into my dread ponyfalls for my steapunk-inspired Halloween outfit (emphasis more on the punk part, less Victorian as I'll be wearing it to a club). I wanted my falls to look something sort of Kit St0len-ish by way of Jack Sparrow and while I am happy enough with the results so far I think I picked colors that were too complimentary to the dreads themselves (in browns and reds). They don't stand out enough so I might need to make another trip to look for bigger, brighter baubles. Oh well.
I also found a really cute Alice in Wonderland necklace at before the boom that looks sort of like a mini-tile on a chain. I bought it and found out later that the back clasp has a mini clock on it! Sweet! I think I'll use it with my outfit.
Also, randomly, I really want to make these for Halloween this year. I'm not quite sure how with my sad little toaster oven so I am quite afraid that I will not make any Halloween sweets this year, alas. My Halloween tradition finally broken.
And one last link: a cute steapunk-inspired storyblog of a man looking for faeries.
Oh, I lied. I found one more link of a bathtub chopper. Say what?! Um... o~kay.

And my little mope of the day: VNV Nation is playing 3 shows in SoCal this month that I'll miss as well as Ronan being at the Das Bunker Halloween party this year! Man, why wasn't he there last year for me to see! ;____; Sadness. Sadness!!!

halloween, steampunk, japan

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