Today I take it easy...

Jul 21, 2008 12:34

I still haven't left Emily's place yet. We had breakfast together and I went right back to bed! Haha. Woke up a couple hours later - it's about 12:30pm here and I'm wondering if I want to hit up the zoo or go to the Chang Kai Shek Memorial. I'm not sure I'll do both as I'm rather lazy today - I did so much sightseeing the past two days that, really, if I do nothing today I am still happy.
I did get a text from Josephine so if she can get off early maybe we can meet for drinks or snacks or something before going out to dinner with Candies.... Hmm....
Regardless, I need to get out of this apartment because it is humid as hell (or.... maybe not, but it's still really humid) before I pass out. Also, I'm hungry and there are street vendors out there clamoring for my money.
And one last thing - ugh! Don't change your money at the airport like I did. I changed over around $500 US and only got $12,500 Taiwanese (around $435 back) - WTF MAN?!! Those bastards took a cut of almost $70!!! No wonder I'm wondering where all of my money went! Almost 1/5 of it went to the stupid Japanese bank! ARRRRRRRRRGH!!!

taiwan, japan

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