Sadness is...

Jun 29, 2008 18:23

...not going to the h. Naoto summer yukata party!! I want to cry now.
BUT I have already made plans to go to Kyoto on July 27th to help out my old group leader from my summer exchange back in college. AND I have to arrange to bring 4 other people WITH me. I can't just ditch them immediately after the event is over to rust back to Osaka because I have a party that I really want to attend...
This is me not happy. Not happy at all.
However, yesterday was still a nice day. Went out for ramen with Rebecca and later met up with Paul. Popped into Shinsai to look around and get the details on the party from Chiran (damn, damn, damn, why does it have to be on the 27th?! Why not the 26th?!!), popped into Brand X (where did all the good stuff go? I haven't found anything I've wanted to buy there for months!), got dragged to Mandarake (my first time there!) and bought a Peace Now coat for winter. Wheee. I also saw some new VOLKS Dollfies and h. Naoto x VOLKS collaborations that were not around when I was working there.
It's so crazy to think that I used to work for VOLKS but that was over half a year ago, not since the last winter Dolpa in LA. Sad.... I do miss everyone. It was rather had to say goodbye to that job just because I liked it so much, even if I wasn't getting paid nearly as much as I am now. But, but, I still miss VOLKS... And I missed the Dolpa in NY this year! Not to mention the upcoming Anime Expo!!! Man, I haven't missed AX since 2001 when I was doing a foreign exchange in Japan!! Another reason to cry, I guess.
And now, another day of work. I hope I don't cough my way through the day. My chest cold still isn't getting any better... X_x

volks, anime, shinsaibashi, shopping, sick, japan, h. naoto

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