Things to do, things to do...

Apr 24, 2008 08:10

So lazyey3 will be in town starting Sunday. Wow, that's fast and I have so much I need to do, like, you know, clean up my apartment or something, or - even better! - make him help clean up. Haha. Kidding, Jerry.
Tomorrow will be awesome because the lovely sankakukoen will help me get a reservation for a cute gothy h. Naoto yukata! So happy!! That makes my summer awesome!!
Other things that need to get done include:
  • me buying shinkansen tickets from Tokyo to Osaka (and with enough time so I can drag Jerry to Black Veil with me next Sunday. We will go to this, dammit!)

  • make some semblance of planning our trip to Tokyo and how we will get places (should I look into getting DisneySea passes beforehand???)

  • waiting by the mail box for my hide summit tickets that were mailed out on Thurs.

  • clean my apartment up a little (this includes laundry if it doesn't rain!)

  • curse my internet connection (which is currently being stolen, haha) because it is too slow (I blame iwontsayplease for this as I want to see Torchwood!)

  • sleep. I like sleep and I haven't been able to do it in a good, healthy manner (why the hell do I have random bouts of insomnia only when I am in Japan?!)

And, yeah, Jerry's coming on Sunday! He will actually exist outside of a Skype webcam. Wow. He'll be real. Not a picture on a computer screen. Fancy that.

x japan, jerry, japan, h. naoto, hide, tokyo

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