Tokyo: shopping, anime cons., and meetings

Mar 30, 2008 18:14

I feel rather accomplished for everything that I did even though I was only in Tokyo for 1 1/2 days.
Saturday morning my bus rolled into Shinjuku and I grabbed some food and hit an internet cafe until places were open. I also scoped out my hotel and where the Closet Child was. Harajuku came next and I spent hours there. I only bought a couple of h. Naoto things but I wanted to get more stuff - I really loved some of the stuff from the OzzOn store. I wish we had one of them in Shinsaibashi... We don't, do we? I've never seen OzzOn in Osaka before... Also, can any of the Tokyo lolitas out there tell me why the Brand X store was closed? It seemed rather odd. Didn't make enough money? Is it closed down for good? Anyway, I ended my Harajuku trip with a delicious crepe eaten beside Laforet.
Next up came a late lunch with Christine, one of my old friends from my college (CSULB) who is currently attending Waseda. We had some yummy pasta in Shinjuku. And then off to check in to my hotel and raaaaace over to the Dome for my concert. Afterwards I could've gone with some foreign fans for karaoke but I was just exhausted. Haha.
Sunday brought another meeting - that of OB's Beltaine, or Doug, who took me to the Tokyo International Anime Fair over at Big Sight. Interesting but I am not caught up on all the new - and upcoming - anime so I didn't recognize a lot. I bet Will or Mike would've loved it!! There were quite a few foreigners and tons and tons of Japanese fans, industry people, and what I would assume to be seiyuu and singers giving mini-performances. But it was so crowded and I was anxious to race back the the Dome to see if I could score more X schwag (I want that black and silver parka, goshdarnit!!) but all in vain. By the time I was back at the Dome the line for merch. was snaking around many buildings and it looked to be over an hour-long line (like the same line I was in the day prior). I asked one of the security guys before hitting the line and he said they were sold out of what I wanted. Boo hoo. I almost had a bad me moment by picking up a Sunday ticket from the line of people selling them outside the station but I didn't have a place to crash and I didn't want to sleep at an internet cafe so I - notably! - refrained myself from doing so.
I was then supposed to meet Christine for flower viewing (and maybe a picnic?) in Yoyogi Park but it started to rain and they were already packing up to leave and go to karaoke so I just decided to go home via shinkansen and not spend any more money. Back in Osaka by dinnertime with so many amazing memories. I'm wondering when X Japan'll be doing an American show and if there is anyway I can fly out for the weekend to see it. Haha. I'm bad! But if it's during an off-time I could get cheap plane tickets.... Hmm.... Well, we'll see. ^^;

anime, shopping, x japan, japan, h. naoto, tokyo

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