Happy New Year, not!

Jan 06, 2012 21:12

Well work have been complete a-holes recently, it's not even two weeks into the new year and it's really starting to wear me down.
I'll make a concerted effort not to let them grind me into the dirt because I'm fed up of the sleepless nights. If they're going to sack me I wish they would just go ahead and get it over with.

Next door are having some kind of party at the moment, there's an incessant thumping of a bass line from some indistinguishable song that never seems to end.

I'm 36 soon, also trying to not let that depress me either. Birthdays have never bothered me in the past, but this year seems to be different. Maybe because it feels like my life is on hold at the moment. I'm just waiting until the day I can be normal again and do things that my body won't let me do now, I try not to think about what happens if that day never comes. I still do things, just not as much as I want for how long I want.

I'm looking forward to the Stargate convention in February, it's going to be fun.

When I have the energy I've been losing myself in writing. I find once I start it's hard to stop, which is not helpful when it comes to pacing, but I just get so into it, it's wonderful.

I can feel a headache coming on so I'll wrap it up. Night night.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.

via ljapp, drabble, the little things

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