Count down the EMS

Oct 01, 2011 17:39

It's 80+ degrees and it's October, what the hell is going on?

I've had to totally rethink my wardrobe choice for Entertainment and Media Show cause the nice jumper I bought is going to be a tad over the top now.
Plus my walking stick handle gets all sticky and icky so I'm going to take my folding one so I can put it away and sit down for a while. Which also means a change of bag because my folding stick won't fit in the bag I originally planned to take.

I've got gluten free food all ready to take with me, just hope it lasts the day and doesn't go off in my bag lol.

Really excited and a bit nervous, I really want to enjoy the day and not be exhausted and in pain within hour of getting there. Fingers crossed.

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