[Harry Potter] [James/Teddy] Winter Bones

Jul 22, 2012 16:26

Title: Winter Bones
Subject: Harry Potter | Unrequited James/Teddy, Lily, Albus.
Rating: PG
Summary: The Fates don't fall in love.
Notes: For the prompt Greek mythology. Idk.

The Fates don't fall in love. They don't fall in like. It's an unspoken law, a creed they followed for their safety, for the safety of the people they governed. James had always been one to break the rules though.

He'd brought Teddy into the world, spun the thread of life and cradled it gently in his hands. He hadn't known, then, what the thread would become but he'd passed it to Lily and watched her as she measured. He watched her decide on orphan and give him love. He'd watched her make him the son of soldiers and watched her give him a life built for tolerance and understanding and care. Albus has ignored them both, for it wasn't his time.

In his time, James had spun to many lives to count. He'd watched Lily turn them into nurses and priests and dictators and and murderers. He'd watched Albus collect them one by one, snuffing them out with a single cut. He'd never gotten attached before. He'd never even felt a pang of hurt at somebody too good, too kind, too young being taken too early.

Still, something brought him back to Teddy, a spark that the other seven billion people of the world didn't have, and so he watched from afar, wide eyed wonder as Teddy grew up and got hurt and fell in love and had his heart broken. He watched Lily's plan unfold like he hadn't known exactly what was in store for Teddy. He watched Teddy fall in love with a woman who was perfect, but not quite good enough. He spun the thread of Teddy's two children, twins, Helena and Phoebe, and he'd watched them grow too.

But with time came Albus, Albus who had already let Teddy live for longer than others, Teddy now with grey hair and grown children, Teddy, with happiness.

He said nothing as Albus cut the thread, said nothing as the glow of it dimmed, said nothing as Lily touched a hand to his arm and said that's life. He said nothing as he settled to spin, a new life already forming in his hands, a new Teddy, perhaps, to fill the void.

character: original, character: albus severus potter, character: james sirius potter, pairing: james/teddy, character: lily luna potter, character: teddy lupin, type: au, for: 30 days & 30 prompts

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