[Generation Kill] [Ray/Walt] On The Town

Jul 21, 2012 17:45

Title: On The Town
Subject: Generation Kill | Ray/Walt, brief Walt/OFC
Rating: R
Summary: When the troopers come to town, Walt's pretty sure he's the only one that doesn't mind so much. | Nine moments that maybe meant something in the grand scheme of things.
Notes: Fallout verse again! Ray gets more than a throw away sentence! Walt exists and is not a sweet puppy child! Prompt was “For me happiness occurs arbitrarily: a moment of eye contact on a bus, where all at once you fall in love; or a frozen second in a park where it’s enough that there are trees in the world.” but yeah I ran in the complete wrong direction?

Freeside is a slum directly outside of the New Vegas strip. The strip is awesome, Freeside is not. The Kings & the Van Graffs are the leading gangs. I kind of imagine Walt working at the Atomic Wrangler - a bar/casino/brothel - but maybe not. He works somewhere. I was going to write a piece where Ray sneaks him onto the strip and then says yeah homes, we pimpin' and then realizes that Walt is actually kind of a pimp but...I didn't.

Freeside ain't a great place to be. The thugs are a pain in the ass for starters, no matter how many you scare off. Walt's scared off a few in his time, what with living there his whole life. The gangs don't help much either - sure, they're great if you're in one and if you're not, if you're just neutral and don't really give a shit about the Kings or the Van Graffs, they just ignore you - but they don't help, what with all the shooting.

Still, it's home. He'd change it if he could, but there ain't nowhere else better to be. Everywhere's got it's troubles, even the strip.

When the troopers come to town, Walt's pretty sure he's the only one that doesn't mind so much. It's annoying, just more people with guns on the street - and even if he is one of those people too it doesn't mean he wants more.

Some of them are nice, at least. They come in the bar, they pay for their drinks without a fuss and if you remind them that you know where to find the officers, they don't get too rowdy. Some of them are loud, sure, one in particular with tattoos and jokes that'd make Walt's ma blush to her toes, but they don't cause too much trouble.

The loud one introduces himself one night. Just leans flush against the bar and for a moment, Walt thinks he's going for the booze or the caps, but he just holds out his hand and grins when Walt shakes it.

"I'm Ray," he says, staring up at Walt even though they'd be about even if he stood up straight. "And you're cute."

"Thank you."

"That's the part where you're supposed to say you too, or something."

"If you wanted compliments," Walt says, tries to look as serious as he can but Ray's still grinning like he's mad. "The whores don't cost that much." Ray laughs at that, straightens up and tips his head back and laughs.

"What's your name, at least?" he says, when he recovers. "If you're not going to stroke my ego, let me know what name to say when I'm stroking my-"

"Walt." There's a man gesturing at him from the end of the bar, the constant hand waving on the wrong edge of annoying. "Walt Hasser."

He gets off work with the dawn, and Ray's waiting for him, leaning up against the side of the building. His armours off, he's stripped down to his vest and his pants and Walt had never thought he was stupid but, well, sometimes the troopers don't realize just how much people hate them.

"That's a little creepy," he says, and for a moment, Ray is wide eyed and something like worried. "You after something?"

"Where you headed?" He falls in as Walt walks off, not quite as surefooted on the broken tarmac as Walt. He catches the toe of his boot on a lip, recovers himself gracefully, like it never happened, and carries on, his foot falls perfectly timed to Walt's.


"Where's home?" Lacey's on the street corner, shirt cut low as always. She waves at Walt and winks at Ray and for a moment, Ray stares after her.

"Nowhere special." Ray's looking back at him now, his attention pulled back from Lacey and her breasts. "She'll give you a good price," Walt says. "No diseases for your troubles either." Ray gives him that look again, the shocked one, the scandalized one.

"Walter!" he cries. "Here I was thinking you were sweet and innocent." Walt shrugs at that, raises an eyebrow at Ray who's still fucking grinning, like he's never been happier in his life.

"Ain't much else to do round here," he says. "There's fucking, there's drinking, there's fighting, and that's about it."

"Can't get onto the strip?" Ray doesn't follow when Walt hops over the rubble of a building, just stands on the other side watching.

"Ain't worth the trouble," Walt says. "Don't have the money, can't get a passport without sucking up to people I don't feel like sucking up to."

"Makes sense." Ray pauses, rocks on his heels and raises his hand in a wave. "Have a good day," he says, before he turns on his heel and heads back the way he came.

The next time Walt sees Ray, he's drunk as a skunk and leering at one of the whores. She's pushing him away, gentle touches to his shoulder and he's not as bad as some men, but Walt's worked long enough to know when no means no.

"Ray," he calls, he catches the attention of some of the other customers, but Ray whirls around, hands up in the air like he's playing innocent and a sheepish look on his face. "Leave the poor lady alone."

"Sorry," Ray shouts back, but his hands drop and he moves away, moves back into the crowd of troopers sitting around one of the tables.

Ray's waiting for him again when he leaves. He's in casual clothes again, but he still smells like the whiskey he'd been drinking earlier and the whore's perfume.

"Do you need help getting back?" Walt asks - it's not the first time he's had to help a drunk back home. It won't be the last. This is his life.

"Don't be retarded, Walter." Ray's voice is a little slurred, but he doesn't sway when he slings an arm around Walt's shoulder. He's leaning in too close, staring Walt down. "I was waiting for you."

"It's still creepy," Walt says, and that's when Ray kisses him. He pulls him close and presses into him and nibbles at Walt's lips and when he pulls away, he's smiling.

He talks Ray home and doesn't feel self-conscious about how shitty it is, he doesn't, because if he did it would be ridiculous, because Ray's probably slept in worse places. He sneaks him in, up the stairs and to his room and for once, he's grateful his ma always made him change his bed sheets regularly.

Ray holds so tightly Walt bruises, he can already see the dots of blue he's going to have across his body tomorrow, a connect-the-dots of somebody else beside him. He talks a lot, mumbles and murmurs and swearing and fuck, yes, Walt and you're perfect.

Ray goes away, leaves a note for Walt at work that says NCR bullshit and be back soon and Walt goes on like normal.

Lacey doesn't kiss like Ray does, she's soft and gentle and sweet and she holds his hand when her hips move against him, holds his hand and doesn't say anything, she just smiles at him and strokes her index finger against the pulse point of his wrist.

He pays her what he owes her and he's left alone to his thoughts, to the trooper he can't get out of his mind even though he really should.

Being back soon equals a year, apparently. Walt almost doesn't recognize Ray when he walks in - his hair's longer and he's got stubble and a new tattoo but he grins the same and he waves at Walt from across the room and blows a kiss when nobody's looking.

Walt hadn't wished for nothing to change, but he's glad none the less.

character: walt hasser, fandom: generation kill, pairing: walt/ray, character: ray person, for: 30 days & 30 prompts, type: au

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