[Generation Kill] [Gen] Search & Destroy

Jul 14, 2012 15:46

Title: Search & Destroy
Subject: Generation Kill | Nate, Walt, Brad, Ray.
Rating: PG
Summary: The house had been beautiful once, mint green siding, candy coloured motifs and a porch ringed with flowers.
Notes: For this prompt. Kind of maybe for my...3rd WBB idea? Nate and Walt are polite okay THAT IS WHY THEY KNOCK.

The house had been beautiful once, mint green siding, candy coloured motifs and a porch ringed with flowers. It had been a home once. Nate remembers the family that had once lived there, faint memories twisted by childhood and faded with age but he remembers the grandmother, the one who'd always sat on the porch and smiled at the passers by, called out sometimes for a conversation. He remembers the mom, the one who'd kept the flowers alive, who spent most of her Spring days in the garden, digging and planting and making the yard bloom with colour. He remembers the son too, vaguely, a dusting of years older than Nate, tall even as an eight year old and strangely quiet.

They'd moved suddenly, in the winter, and people had moved in and moved out but the house was never the same. It had sat empty for at least five years, if Nate could remember well, and it showed.

There were no flowers in the baskets on the porch, the siding faded more to the colour of dying grass and the motifs marred by dirt. The screen door was open, banging in the wind, swinging open to reveal crude graffiti on the front door and slamming closed again to hide it.

"This house used to be really nice," Nate murmurs to Walt. Walt doesn't say anything, just nods and shoulders his bag, tucks it in closer to his side. As they stare up at the house, something, someone moves in the upstairs window. Neither of them say anything as they climb up the stairs, they stand in silence as Walt holds open the screen door. Someone shouts something from inside the house when they knock, and shadows play behind the door.

"Hello?" The man who opens the door is the shorter of the two they'd seen in the woods, the one with the dark hair. He's got no shirt on, showing off the tattoos carving their way across his skin. "Dude, girl scouts have gotten tall. Do you have any thin mints?" Walt raises his eyebrow, from the tightness in his cheeks Nate can guess he's holding back a smile.

"We're here to talk to you about the body that was found in the woods last night," Nate says.The other man, the taller one, walks up behind the first, stares down at them with cold blue eyes and a blank expression.

"Cops?" he asks, leaning against the door frame and crossing his arms over his chest.


character: brad colbert, character: walt hasser, fandom: generation kill, character: ray person, character: nate fick, for: 30 days & 30 prompts, type: au

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