Title: Led To The Flood.
Summary: Godric signs up before the draft comes. The draft gets Salazar.
Characters/Pairings: Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, various OCs. Godric/Salazar, Salazar/Helga
Genre: Angst, (not actually a muggle) AU.
Rating/Warnings: R, infidelity, swearing, war.
Medium: Fic.
Word Count: 3985.
Notes: for
pointblankdarcy, pretend you're surprised I was writing for you ;) For your prompt keep it silent, keep it secret. Uh, sorry about the ending? It wasn't supposed to be quite that bad. I hope you enjoy it, boo ♥ It was the single most infuriating thing to write and I loved it. If nothing about the verse makes sense (TOO MUCH DETAIL TOO LITTLE TIME), lmk because you know I have mental essays about this stuff.
Led To The Flood @ AO3.