So my boss needed a Sound of Music costume. More specifically, a Maria von Trapp one, based on what Julie Andrews wears in the movie, the opening scene in the mountains/hillside/Alps/whatever.
This time I did it properly. I worked a lot with a mockup, based on the pics I could find of the original, and spend a long time getting the seams just right. Black prewashed linen was used for the novice dress, while a drapy cotton/viscose stripy fabric was used for the apron. Long seams were done by machine, while visible seams were mostly done by hand. For quick stage changes I hid large black snap buttons under a visible row of large regular buttons.
What I like the most about the finished costume is that it fits her so well, and she looks both good and comfortable in it. And the apron drapes really, really well. It'll be used in a funny video blog for the weeks to come (hence the helmet in the picture), plus in a couple of shows she's doing. As such it is my first "real" commission, and I think it's so fun it got to be "Sound of Music"!
Julie Andrews' movie costume to the left, my replica to the right.