Reviewers... How are they hired??
Singer Benedicte Adrian has just released a Christmas album called "Desember". She sings a toned-down version of O Holy Night, and she sings it in French (as she's lived there the last couple of years, and since the original IS French, after all).
And then this reviewer comes along:
"En av de mer kjente julesangene her er "O Helga Natt", men den velger hun av en eller annen grunn å fremføre på fransk; hvorfor? Personlig synes jeg det hadde vært mye bedre om den låten ble fremført på originalspråket."
( )
"One of the more well-known Christmas songs here is "O Holy Night", but for some odd reason she chooses to sing it in French: why? Personally I would have preferred it if that song was performed in its original language"
Things is that there is only a so-so Norwegian translation of it, while there exists a brilliant Swedish one. So many Norwegian singers choose to sing it in Swedish. Apparently the reviewer thinks Swedish IS the original language (EVEN THOUGH THE LEAFLET STATES THAT THE MELODY AND LYRIC IS FRENCH....)
The CD is highly recommeded, by the way. I've been listening to it the last couple of days. The opening "Kyrie" is atmospheric and a good intro, and there's a funky rock-meets-opera song called "Benedictus". I love it when she flungs out that high C. "Le Manege" is also excellent, very "Amelie de Montmarte" like, and she is joined by her children. Oh, and I love "Walking in the air" from the movie "The Snowman".
I've been making X-mas presents all since I put the CD in my player... And it's only mid-November!! I'm usually very strict with starting X-mas in December, but... making presents can be started earlier, yes?