Rough Week

Oct 05, 2007 08:39

Not doing too well this week. I feel like I am barely keeping my head above water. BUt atleast it is above water, which is more that some people can say...sooo....bright side...right?

Have the Ren Faire this weekend. I want to see people, but this cold is still kicking my ass. I am afraid of being out in the rain all day and making it worse. However, it is too late to cancell out, so...Whee!

I need to find a councelor that I can go to here in Omaha. I need it to be someone that can actually help. My last councelor here was a very nice woman, but she thought that I had my head SO together. *laughs hystarically* NOt much help. I need someone that will call me on my bullshit. I need someone that will tell me to stop beating myself up over shit I can't controll. I need someone that I can trust. I know that I am asking a lot, but I have had good therapist in the past, so I know it is possible. If anyone has any direction they would like to point me in that would be great.

I think tht is about it for this morning. I am going to go and try to make it thru today.
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