there are some hos in this house!!

Jun 03, 2006 01:40


i havent written in this shit in a LOONGGG while...i dont even know what to write....

so its friday, and im in the shitty alone in my apt and its raining...and i have been just sitting around doing nothing..

so the first year at Marymount is over even though i am taking summer classes til june...i did a lot better the second semester than the first...i guess...i hope im not on probation anymore *fingers crossed*

i have an interview tomorrow at...CVS...UGH!! yea im going to have to stoop and work there...oh well lol  but i might get a beauty consultant position which should be fun!! BUT the only bad part is that no one can steal shit bc im sure they would figure it out! lol

so im watching mean girls for about the 122349583 zillionth time in my lifetime...and i dont know why...i feel like this movie is a reflection of my life...or my old life...i remember when i could relate every character to one of my friends (not naming names) and it would make me laugh and make me feel at home knowing that we were so cool! but now i dont know who these characters are anymore...we are all so separated by school, location, spouses, and other...i wonder if we will all be together again in one BIG GIANT reunion...prolly not, but a girl can dream! lol  i have always been afraid of change...but this time, im ok with it...i know that everyone is moving on with their lives and making the best of themselves...i know that our separation is not because of any hate towards each other, but from things that will in turn make each of our lives better in the end. I am so glad that all of my friends are finding themselves in their own light and making something happen. it is hitting me that we are all growing up and becoming independent and just living the way we want!   i dont know what im rambling...

so anyway...i want someone to nominate themselves to have a giant party with everyone there...i want to play beer pong and flip cup and have good times like we used to!!! i was thinking today about that party we went to at thiels friends house...and i was remembering that i was so drunk from drinking at the cos plus that i almost ran into traffic when we saw collette on the road....and i was thinking...why didnt i get hit by a car? i was being soo stupid, i prolly deserved it....but then i thought...well god got me back by me throwing up and peeing my pants...but thats another story....its funny how some things work out isnt it?!

so the dvd is skipping and im goin to fix that!!!

im out y'all

hugs and kisses!!!

ps--i love LAUREN!!!!  mainly bc she keeps me occupied with reading material bc she writes in livejournal too!  <333333
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