I have managed to finish up my interviews and get a chance relax for our day off. Funny, right? Imagine me relaxing. So this is me getting all that interview juju out of my system.
I haven't been posting a lot of the new stuff here because I do a lot of promotion everywhere. I'm not trying to sell you guys an album. But, this is from... two nights ago? I think. I can't remember where we are right now so I can't remember when we were here. But. This is off the new album that came out Friday. I thank the person who managed to get pretty decent audio.
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I hate saying "this song means a lot to me" because, well no shit. But this is my mantra when I'm starting to question myself. Doubt myself. And I've needed it. You see, yesterday was my baby girl's first birthday. I made sure to video call before we went on, so I could sing to her. I know first birthdays aren't really for them. But it was still a milestone I didn't want to miss. A milestone I can't get back. For my daughter's first birthday the best I could do was a Skype call, singing Happy Birthday to her, watch her grasp the idea of what to do with her cupcake. Then I'd have to go. I've been kicking myself over not thinking to schedule the day off for her birthday so I would have more time. Or at least said no to one interview and given myself a morning, at least. I could've done better. I should've done better. My children deserve better. Black vultures circling. It's how I tell myself, every night, that I'm not going to let them get me.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have an applesauce date with my kids.