adventures on an airplane

Jul 20, 2012 11:57

various fandoms, various pairings, various typical airplane issues/topics
all the same random shit

01. my peacock ; daehyun and youngjae

daehyun reaches over and cracks open the window.  it's unusually bright ten thousand meters up from the ground.  his earbuds are starting to feel uncomfortable in his ears, and he's eaten all of his twizzlers.  he glances over at the next aisle and a girl is watching a movie about some alternative family zoo, filled with lions whose appetites just cannot be pleased, and peacocks let loose.  daehyun squints.  are peacocks dangerous?

"are peacocks dangerous?" daehyun asks to the lump of grey next to him.  youngjae is trying to act fast asleep to avoid another round of daehyun's questions.  he's made it easy this time with a yes or no, but youngjae still refuses to acknowledge him.  "earth to youngjae," daehyun tries, "i asked you a question."

there's a grunt.  he's alive!  daehyun sneaks a hand underneath the thin washed-out blanket and youngjae jolts awake, looking fairly scandalized.

"excuse me," youngjae spits rather vehemently.  not that it scares daehyun or anything.  at this point, anything youngjae does is cute in daehyun's eyes.  daehyun likes when youngjae tries, though.  "i'm trying to sleep."

they've been on the plane for a good two hours already, and the flight to l.a. isn't looking too great, with the random bouts of turbulence and crying babies.  youngjae looks like he needs a bit more than a good night's sleep (and at this point, daehyun squeezes the soft thigh underneath his fingers-yeah, daehyun thinks with a smirk, youngjae likes this), but he just won't take daehyun's continuous offers of extra food and his pillow.  youngjae had protested, saying daehyun needed one for himself, but daehyun whipped out his handy dandy cat neck pillow.

"it looks like me," daehyun had explained before with a little pout.  "see?  the lips."  youngjae had simply sighed and returned to this peanut and pretzel mix nestled between catalogues of duty free lotions and the lorax and adele, live! at the royal albert hall.  whatever, his eyebrows said, but the quirk in his lips meant that daehyun was at least a little bit successful at making youngjae less of a bitter grump.

but daehyun is still hopelessly restless.  the movie had ended ("and i literally just stopped, just stopped.  like this.  twenty seconds.  why would an amazing person like you ever talk to a person like me?") and the water crackers were gone and god, daehyun thinks as he shifts about in his seat, fixes his pillow, puts his slippers on and off, the wind is so loud.  tipping his head back, daehyun stares up at the storage cabin above his head.  if it opens, the luggage will fall, and he'll be knocked out.  which might be good, because he can't fucking sleep.

"calm down."  youngjae quietly shuffles about in his sleep to face daehyun, blanket all the way pulled up to his chin, headphones on his shoulders, sleepy smile looking just too perfect.  daehyun doesn't know why he's like this.  it must be the altitude.  "you're going to bring this plane down with your nerves."

"sorry," daehyun says, and he means it.  youngjae hasn't looked this relaxed in a while, and he'd like youngjae to enjoy it.  "go back to sleep, i'll be fine."

"right."  youngjae closes his eyes after a second, and daehyun lifts the table up to get up and stretch.  yongguk is out and snoring, himchan is playing some video game and is purposefully flashing the bright lights in yongguk's face.  junhong is covered from head to toe in his and jongup's blankets, and jongup has his head burrowed deep in junhong's sweater.  boring, daehyun thinks, and plops back down into his seat.

"you're still not sleeping," youngjae says softly as he drops a hand into daehyun's hair, raking his fingers down his scalp to his ears just so.  daehyun doesn't know if he leans into the touch, but youngjae presses just a bit harder.  "also," youngjae whispers, "peacocks aren't dangerous.  at least, the one at the petting zoo wasn't."

daehyun hopes he's hiding his smile behind his blanket.  "and how come all of them don't have those fancy feathers?"

youngjae opens his eyes at that one, and takes daehyun's neck rest and chucks it at daehyun's face.  "did you not learn anything in high school?" he quips, though the sparkle in his eye says he doesn't mean what he says.  youngjae lives for this sort of stuff, anyway,  "males are prettier to attract mates.  the more flamboyant their feathers are, the more likely women will fall for them."

daehyun contemplates that.  "so like," he tries, "if i use more aegyo, will you fall for me harder?"

it's a really bad comparison.  it shows on youngjae's disappointed face, and daehyun can't help but laugh out loud, earning him a stern look from a grandmother in aisle 16.

"no," youngjae says.  the little smile and his red ears say, if i fell for you any harder, i'd be plummeting through the atmosphere right now.

daehyun bites his lip.  there's something tugging at the corners of his eyes, something akin to embarrassment and sleepiness and warmth.  youngjae leans over and presses two soft lips against daehyun's ear.

"no more questions now," youngjae sighs, "just go to sleep."

there are still five and a half hours left of the flight, the babies are still crying, and his cola is now flat.  daehyun clasps onto the warm hand on his lap and figures he could sleep through this one peacefully.

((all of this is sort much true.  except for the flat cola.  i got sprite.  the girl watching the movie was actually my mom--i had to rewind from the credits to the end because i had actually missed it the first time.  and i also don't have a neck pillow :( i will on my way back!))

02. this is an outrage! ; yongguk and himchan

this is ridiculous.  absolutely fucking ridiculous.  kim himchan will not settle for this.

"you fucking cheat," himchan hisses under his breath, and gets a simple snort in return.  "no, don't-hey-yongguk!"

there's a harsh shh! from seat i across from him.  himchan tries not to frown as he squirms in his seat, growing more and more uncomfortable.  "no, yongguk, i swear to god."

"don't be such a pu-"  yongguk stops, glances around the plane, and lowers his voice.  "a pussy, kim himchan, just face it.  you suck."

oh no, himchan thinks.  "no, you cheat.  you stole my power up, and you pushed me over to distract me."

yongguk snorts again, and it's really unappealing.  "i just reached over to get some m & m's, don't start accusing me of things i don't do.  i'm a pacifist, remember?  i don't fight."

"oh, bullshit," himchan snaps.  mario kart is serious business, and he doesn't appreciate how yongguk is taking all of this so lightly.  he's freaking donkey kong for christ's sake.  how does he lose to yoshi?  "i'm going to tell everyone that you cheat," himchan ends up saying, "so no one will play with you on the way back."

yongguk rolls his eyes.  "you're the one who's always so eager to play with me though," and then he drawls with flat eyes, "himchannie."

"e-ehng," himchan drawls back.  yongguk laughs.  "rematch, and you don't get any handicaps this time, because you cheat."  himchan restarts the game, avoiding the knowing look yongguk sends him (you only restarted because i lapped you, yongguk's eyes say, twice), and chooses the flower cup.  "cheating in mario kart.  almost as bad as cheating in monopoly."

"for the love of," yongguk starts, throwing his hands up in the air, "i don't cheat in monopoly!"

"yes you do, hyung," junhong pipes from behind them.  yongguk gruffly turns around in his seat, sitting up on his knees so that his ass is vulnerable to a very revenge-driven himchan.  anyone to look over would have the unfortunate experience of seeing himchan's very sick grin.

"choi junhong, you-hey!"

himchan throws his blanket over him and tries to avoid the hands flying all over his stomach.

"shh!" the woman in seat i whispers harshly, but himchan can't really hear her over his own laughter and yongguk's growling (you shit, is that how you want to play, just wait 'til we get to the hotel, i'll show you) and the buzz in his ears that's surely from the atmospheric pressure, nothing more.

but when yongguk falls asleep later, pooped from arguing with a stubborn himchan and an equally as bratty junhong, with his head on himchan's left shoulder, himchan thinks it might just be a little something else.  but for now, he'll just blame it on the food.

((mario kart, because that's all the band kids play on band trips.  also, textedit automatically changes junhong's name to junking.  i laugh every time.))

03. sautee ; junghwan and sunwoo

junghwan blanches.

"oh god," he whispers through his teeth which he is currently baring at the box before him.  "you've got to be kidding me."

sunwoo barely stirs because junghwan overreacting over plane food is really a common thing now, and he can't even be bothered to give him a noncommittal grunt over a mouth of steamed vegetables.  eventually he gives, because junghwan's whining starts to vibrate through the glass of sprite he's holding in his hand.  sunwoo frowns.  "what now, junghwan?"

"this," junghwan whines, not really giving sunwoo anything to work with.  "this poor excuse of a steak, i mean, what is this?"

"broiled steak with mushroom and red wine sauce," sunwoo replies, "with a healthy portion of vegetables."  not really.  it's six sticks of carrot and one measly broccoli stem, complemented by a few slices of really, really salty potato and onions.  all right, so he can sort of see where junghwan is coming from.

"told you you should have gone with the bibimbap."  junghwan looks somewhat scandalized, and sunwoo is just about to give up on placating this kid, he's so ridiculous.  "at least try the salad.  the chickpeas aren't bad."

junghwan lets out a melodramatic sigh and slithers down his seat, but not without taking a bite of greens.  despite himself, sunwoo grins.  ridiculous kid.

"hyung," chansik calls, "if you're not going to eat your steak, can i have it?"

there's a brief silence (and sunwoo thinks junghwan is going to throw his fork at chansik for even asking) before, surprisingly, junghwan slides his box over onto chansik's table.

"knock yourself out," he grumbles.  chansik beams.

hmm, sunwoo thinks.  he stares down at the small piece of steak still left in his dish, and then with a sigh, cuts a small portion of it neatly with a fork and knife.  he turns to junghwan.  he's never going to live this down, not with chansik around, but whatever.

"say ah," sunwoo says.  junghwan turns his head, eyes the fork of steak sunwoo is offering him, and lets out a loud snort.  sunwoo feels his eyebrows twist.  "i'm feeding you, yes, take it."

junghwan's critical stare suddenly turns soft, and then the boy throws his head back and laughs, laughs, sunwoo, are you serious?  eventually he leans over and clamps his teeth down on the fork, lips upturned into a very junghwan-like smile.  sunwoo watches junghwan chew animatedly (why the guy even refused to eat the steak if he was going to enjoy it this much is beyond him, but).

"yum."  junghwan laughs at his own stupidity.  sunwoo can't help but grin himself.

"ew," is all chansik says before he stuffs his own mouth with steak.

junghwan threatens to spit out his food onto chansik's dish, and the younger boy shuts up, turning back to the movie on his screen.  sunwoo and junghwan laugh.

"i'll buy you some nice filet mignon when we land," sunwoo says, and they both know it's not really going to happen, not with jinyoung around (if you're going to buy him expensive food, you're buying for all of us!  one for all, right?), but it's the thought that counts.

"thanks."  junghwan beams.

and he's right, the chickpeas are good.

((i actually never got to taste the chickpeas in the salad.))

04. under covers ; sehun, kyungsoo and jongin

sehun's back is killing him right now.

despite having a pillow between him and the uncomfortable seat that barely even reclines, sehun can feel his spine twisting and moaning and begging him to have mercy on it.  not that sehun can do anything about it on this plane.  baekhyun has his legs all up in his own limited leg room, and kyungsoo and jongin are doing some freaky things next to him.

he tries not to look.  it's just-oops, wow, too late.

groaning, sehun rubs his face with his hands, wondering if doing so will erase the image of whatever those two were doing from his mind.  it doesn't.  sehun suffers.

sehun glares at his computer screen.  there's a paper to be written, he tells himself, and it will be done.

two minutes later, he hears a sharp intake of breath to his right, a grunt, and oh no.  joonmyun, two seats to his left, is a flaming red from the tip of his ears down to his fingers.  sehun feels a bit sorry for him, but at least he's not right next to it and

"hyung!" jongin looks up first.  sehun can't.  "can't you be a bit more decent in public?"

jongin puts on a show of hmm, well, let me think about it no.  sehun hates that the most.  "mind your own business, maknae," jongin teases.  sehun bristles.  oh, he is not sleeping on the bed tonight.

soon enough, kyungsoo makes some really embarrassing noises of protest and before long, clothes are rustling and ah, jongin!

"stop!" sehun cries, jumping up to his feet and subsequently getting tangled in the wires of his headphones.  kyungsoo and jongin both look up this time, quite (unashamed) confused.  "what in the world are you doing."

kyungsoo looks horrified.  jongin is smug as always.

"just an innocent round of chopsticks," jongin says, rolling his eyes.  right.  sehun glowers.  "want to join?"

sehun replies with a huff and shoves baekhyun's legs off his lap with some finality.  he just lifts them back onto sehun's lap and promptly goes back to sleep.

sehun slumps over in his seat, sighing.  his back still fucking hurts.

((this didn't happen at all.  it's just, my back really hurts.  and of course they were just playing chopsticks, what the hell else would they be doing on a plane !!!

05. fashion terrorist ; woohyun, dongwoo, and sunggyu

airport fashion, woohyun thinks, is a real pain in the ass.

it's not just because he placed low on ranking king (that still upsets him till this day).  woohyun just can't understand why someone would put so much effort into picking an outfit to sit around in a dimly lit plane for, for ten hours.  he sighs and runs a hand through his hair.  his track pants are so itchy.

"will you stop shifting in your seat," sunggyu mutters.  he's wearing that weird eye cover thing that makes him look pretty scary.  woohyun can literally feel the heat from sunggyu's glare, as if he knows what woohyun is thinking.  "you're making me paranoid."

dongwoo titters.  "sunggyu hyung, i told you not to wear those bracelets.  they'll start chafing your skin and then you get even crankier."  woohyun can't help the little peup that escapes his lips.  when sunggyu rips off his sleep cover to glare at the two, dongwoo and woohyun only burst into more laughter.

"little kids," sunggyu grumbles, though he's smiling.

woohyun leans against dongwoo and looks him up and down.  see, dongwoo makes airport fashion look easy.  nice, sleek adidas sneakers, a pair of dark blue jeans, a pastel green cardigan and a white v-neck.

"nam-gun," dongwoo chortles, "are you checking me out?"

woohyun thinks.  "eighty seven thousand won."

"oh sseullung," comes sunggyu's deep sigh from beneath his pillow.  dongwoo, on the other hand, finds it absolutely hilarious and is doubled over woohyun's lap, burying his nose right into the itch on his right leg.

woohyun laughs as dongwoo proceeds to talk about the solitaire games he lost three times in a row, with sunggyu's commentary occasionally filtering through.  dongwoo's cardigan is soft against his cheek as the three agree to finally take a nap before either of them loses it on sungyeol.  right before he falls asleep, woohyun figures, eh, not bad.

((i had a brief crisis this morning in deciding what to wear.  i eventually went with something simple, but i didn't put on a belt and felt incomplete.  oh well.  i accidentally misspelled dongwoo and textedit replaced it with dingo.  i tried not to laugh out loud.  also, i saved this file as ddong nam gyu.  you can tell how much i love them.))


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