campfire song song
jinki x jonghyun , romance / humor , pg , 2150w
it's another one of jonghyun's crazy ideas.
a/n: so finally...the first replay4japan fic. for
intoxicatedbrat . i apologize, over and over, for being so slow with this. i've spent months and months toiling over these stories, honestly. near completion, i would start all over again because i
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favorite lines, just because okay
a pair of cute pink elephant boxers, with a trunk for. well.
i am dead
taemin just thinks that these s'mores are so fucking good. so accurate ide. that boy loves food hahaha
he's tried bobbing for ducks with the magnetic fishing poles, but that's about it.
lmao such a qt mental image ;A;
but uh, he's fished with Park Sumin before and apparently he's pretty good! xD yeah okay I am kind of anal about these things, you can ignore this if you want haha ):
but when jinki opens his eyes, it's just jonghyun, his round eyes that are as deep as the night sky. just jonghyun smiling and staring at him and being jonghyun.
he smiles at jonghyun's confused face (he really does resemble a puppy) and runs a hand through the younger boy's hair. "you're ridiculous."
SOBBING AHHHHH ;_____; jkfehdkfgjeshres
"what's up, hyung?" taemin asks as he rubs his knees with the palms of his hand. "getting old already?"
I am loving this OnTae dynamic :3 :3 :3
he rolls up his sleeve with a smirk. "pure muscle, baby."
Jonghyun you loser, omg, why are you like this ):
So yeah tl;dr this is adorable and amazing and you are kind of flawless ):
omg um do you remember me i was jannahgp jshsjgklsgfdlk
awkward wave
? ? ?
you literally vanished off the face of the earth, i don't...even ㅠㅠ oh my ㅠㅠ how have you been?? i don't even know what to say except i'm glad you're back!! goodness, the last time we talked was before you went to the philippines, right? goodness goodness, goodness!
but anyway i guess i should reply to your comment now...but the fact that you're back and still reading my crappy fic...omg ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
thank you very very much, haha~ i'm glad you didn't find it awk since i haven't written fic in so long, but.
lol the elephant boxers ㅜ__ㅜ taken from infinite's sesame player (the member dongwoo has a pair of his own...i can't)
ahh no, thank you for telling me that! goodness, i honestly completely forgot about that! haha, of course our jinki is amazing at everything~ ah no no thank you for telling me! ㅎㅎ
no you are amazing and also present and alive ㅠ____ㅠ yeah
but thank you ♡♡♡
waylt your writing is not crappy!!! ): ):
lmao why does he own those boxers omg I feel the need to watch their show now bahaha
ahhhh you are so qt ;A; no no, thank you for writing this (it is good okay! your writing is as awesome as i remember it to be :3!!)
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