Feb 17, 2023 14:34
“I Don’t want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers.” -John Rockefeller
Whelp, this is a fun little rabbit hole I’m diving down. I don’t pass the vibe check. It is something I think about pretty much every day though. Our forced participation in society. Do what you are “supposed” to do with the limited time you have to be alive, or else parish. You can’t just say it’s not for you and become a hunter gatherer or something. It’s not even legal. The powers that be gave the land to themselves, and you must buy it from them.
We have so much technology and comforts in the modern world, but we are also more restricted and controlled than ever before. It’s not like you can just decide you do t want to live in one country and simply leave for another. And the education system is worse than ever. I remember being so bored in school, yet my kids’ schooling seems even more watered down.
It’s so weird how we all just accept it as the natural order. But it’s not.
And now society seems to be in a never-ending free fall. Nothing seems real. We are all so desensitized because it’s just one absurdity, tragedy, injustice after another after another. Can we just hit rock bottom already?
I don’t know, I’m just in a really negative head space right now. I don’t know how to snap out of it. It’s pointless to rail against the powers that be. Those in charge take what they want and the rest of us do as we are told, and that’s been the way of humanity since we first slithers out of the ocean, or whatever the case may be. The majority of people prefer to comply, and to turn a blind eye. Serenity to accept what you cannot change is bullshit.