So my sister calls me this morning and wakes me up ( heh @ 1:30 PM ) to check if I'm still alive. Turns out she had a dream the night before about me committing suicide...apparently by shooting myself 3 times in the side...through one of my arms. She said she was afraid, because she woke up before she could find out if I lived or not in the dream, and decided to call me just to check up. Weird huh?
Anywho, she goes on to tell me the reason why she thinks she had the dream. Turns out that evening she watched CSI Miami, and some guy on the show commit suicide by shooting himself in the head, and tying a few balloons to the gun, so when he died, it floated away and looked like a homicide. That was combined with the fact that her roommate had some guy over to fix her computer. Turns out she didn't have any virus protection software, and had every virus, trojan, parasite, and what-have-you known to PC kind. Took the poor guy 4 hours...they ended up making him dinner. The point being, during that time he and my sis chatted about me, as I'm my family's resident computer nerd, and am call numero uno for all computer needs. My sister had called and IMed me a few months ago with much the same problem, and it took me about an hour to fix it over IM. Her and the guy chatted about viruses and the work I was trying to find and whatnot, and that added to the CSI episode resulted in that wacky dream. Needless to say I'm still alive.
This whole episode did however remind me of that IM tech support call my sister made to me a while ago. I saved the IM transcript as I thought it was pretty funny...but I never did do anything with it. Lucky you, you get to read it now :)
( OK, the backstory is my sis called me and explained how her homepage kept changing to Activemax or something like that... From there I hop in to save the day )
14 Nov 2003, 12:17AM
Brooke Tanay: hey
Ryan Tanay: hey....sux to be you :P
Ryan Tanay: it
Brooke Tanay:
Ryan Tanay: ah
Brooke Tanay: just got about 10 pop ups
Brooke Tanay: fun fun
Ryan Tanay: heh...i think i've found something
Brooke Tanay: this is why i love you bro
Brooke Tanay: heheh
Ryan Tanay: ok...this should be "fun". You have a lop parasite...which gets installed by you clicking on an executable file somewhere on the internet...probably while trying to download an mp3 or somthing similar....i'll walk you through getting rid of it
Brooke Tanay: let me have it ... i can handle it
Brooke Tanay: yes FUN FUN
Ryan Tanay: there an odd round icon in the system tray..that little bunch of icons in the lower right by the clock?
Brooke Tanay: no there is only clock and temp.
Ryan Tanay: ok...
Brooke Tanay: but there was... i deleted it
Ryan Tanay: how
Brooke Tanay: right click... delete
Ryan Tanay: ugh
Brooke Tanay: sorry?
Ryan Tanay: you can uninstall it from there...but not if you've already deleted it
Brooke Tanay: i also went to the control panal and did it htere
Brooke Tanay: let me check again
Ryan Tanay: waaaait
Brooke Tanay: ok
Ryan Tanay: look in the "uninstall program" list for things like this
Ryan Tanay: Browser Enhance r Brows er Enhancer Ultimate Browse r Enhancer Ultimate Browser En hancer L.O P. Un insta11 L O.P. Un instal1 Live 0n line Portal Live.0nli ne Porta1
Brooke Tanay: where would that be?
Ryan Tanay: start/control panel/add-remove programs
Brooke Tanay: its a list of currently installed programs
Ryan Tanay: yeah
Brooke Tanay: not uninstalled
Ryan Tanay: is there an uninstall button?
Brooke Tanay: um....
Brooke Tanay: no
Brooke Tanay: should i look in trash bin
Ryan Tanay: no....ok....follow me
Brooke Tanay: ok
Brooke Tanay: go
Ryan Tanay: start menu
Ryan Tanay: tell me what's there
Brooke Tanay: what do you mean whats there...? all programs?
Ryan Tanay: yeah, anything else?
Brooke Tanay: no just the things i use.. the usual.. nothing strange
Brooke Tanay: i deleted the wierd icon one
Ryan Tanay: is there something that says "control panel"
Brooke Tanay: yeah
Ryan Tanay: that
Brooke Tanay: there
Ryan Tanay: ok....something that says add/remove programs
Brooke Tanay: yeah thats what i was in
Ryan Tanay: ummm...ok....well, go back in :P
Brooke Tanay: ok
Brooke Tanay: yes
Ryan Tanay: ok....list of programs, right?
Brooke Tanay: yup
Ryan Tanay: anything that looks like Browser Enhancer, L.O.P or Live Online Portal, or Window Active?
Brooke Tanay: window active
Brooke Tanay: got it
Ryan Tanay: uninstall that shit
Brooke Tanay: ok
Brooke Tanay: how about window search
Ryan Tanay: yeah, that too
Brooke Tanay: that was really weird... it made me type in a # to delete it
Brooke Tanay: so it knew i was human?
Brooke Tanay: how about Win Search?
Ryan Tanay: it's just crap to make it harder....this site says sometimes you have to answer a riddle to uninstall the newer ones....yeah fuck that shit up too
Brooke Tanay: haha
Brooke Tanay: wild tangent web driver?
Ryan Tanay: WTF....yeah geez girl....what you been doing, installing every freakin piece of crap on the web?
Brooke Tanay: haha haha i cant breath im laughing so hard
Brooke Tanay: hahah
Ryan Tanay: no wonder your PC takes a year and a day to boot up :\
Brooke Tanay: yeah i know
Brooke Tanay: how about...
Brooke Tanay: PAD lookups by n-case
Ryan Tanay: you're coming up with things I havent' ever heard of...lemme look
Brooke Tanay: PC doctor for windows?
Ryan Tanay: get rid of PAD
Ryan Tanay: did you install PC doctor? if not, uninstall that shit too
Brooke Tanay: ok... the PAD thing took me to a web site...
Brooke Tanay: to uninstall N-case
Ryan Tanay: wait...uninstallling it took you to a website?
Brooke Tanay: yeah... said i have to download n-case uninstaller
Ryan Tanay: tell it to shut the fuck's lying through its digital teeth
Brooke Tanay: then what do i do
Ryan Tanay: do have to download it's crappy uninstaller
Brooke Tanay: geeze
Brooke Tanay: 1. Download n-CASE uninstaller.
2. Select 'Save' to save the nCASEUninstaller.exe to your hard drive.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not select 'Open' when asked to download the uninstall program. Doing so will cause an error and you will be unable to uninstall n-CASE at that time.
3. Make a note of where you save the uninstaller executable before closing ALL browser windows.
4. Locate the nCASEUninstaller.exe you saved and double-click on it to run it.
5. Select 'Yes', to confirm you want to uninstall.
6. Select OK that you are connected to the internet.
7. Select OK at the "Uninstallation Complete" message.
8. You may receive a message titled "n-CASE Uninstall Error". If so, you can just click "OK", it is not necessary to do anything else to complete the n-CASE uninstall.
Ryan Tanay: just download it to your desktop or wherever, and then run it once it downloads
Brooke Tanay: done... you said get rid of PC doc. too right
Ryan Tanay: yeah, unless you installed it purposefully
Brooke Tanay: no
Ryan Tanay: yeah, ditch it
Ryan Tanay: is that PAD thing still in the list?
Brooke Tanay: says shared file
Ryan Tanay: don't delete the shared file
Ryan Tanay: say skip
Ryan Tanay: or whatever, just not yes, or yes to all
Brooke Tanay: done
Ryan Tanay: any other wacky crap in there?
Brooke Tanay: pad is gone
Ryan Tanay: nice
Ryan Tanay: delete the uninstaller
Brooke Tanay: nvidia windows 2000/xp display drivers?
Ryan Tanay: no...that makes your monitor work :)
Brooke Tanay: oh
Ryan Tanay: heh
Brooke Tanay:
Ryan Tanay: do you have any games from EA?
Brooke Tanay: i dont play any games
Brooke Tanay: heheh
Ryan Tanay: delete that too
Brooke Tanay: delfin Media Viewer
Ryan Tanay: uninstall that is
Ryan Tanay: delfin?
Brooke Tanay: yeah
Ryan Tanay: is "Windows Media Player" on the list? cuz if it is, you don't need any other players
Brooke Tanay: yeah
Ryan Tanay: get rid of delfin
Brooke Tanay: CGI-lid
Ryan Tanay: um...lemee see on that one
Ryan Tanay: that's how it shows up... "CGI-lid"?
Brooke Tanay: yup
Brooke Tanay: dont worry about it i'll leave it
Ryan Tanay: nah....uninstall that too
Brooke Tanay: how about Domains 5.48
Ryan Tanay: uninstall
Brooke Tanay: GSIM
Ryan Tanay: uninstall
Brooke Tanay: GTW V.92 Voicemodem
Ryan Tanay: don't really need modem support, since you're on ethernet, but it doesnt hurt, and you'll need it if you ever go back to keep it
Brooke Tanay: BM Win app
Ryan Tanay: lemme check
Ryan Tanay: ditch
Brooke Tanay: b3d projector
Ryan Tanay: ditch
Brooke Tanay: my search bar
Ryan Tanay: ditch
Ryan Tanay: i'm sending this IM to my friends you know....this is almost too funny to be true. You literally have EVERY parasite application in the known windows universe on your PC
Brooke Tanay: help features and help finder
Ryan Tanay: gottta check that one
Ryan Tanay: look in the list for something like "Help Library" or "Microsoft Help Library"
Brooke Tanay: lot of microsoft but not one with help library
Ryan Tanay: Microsoft Help Viewer maybe?
Brooke Tanay: nope
Ryan Tanay: ok...keep those 2 help ones then
Brooke Tanay: java 2 runtime environment, SE v1.4.0_01
Ryan Tanay: keep
Brooke Tanay: NVIDIA windows 2000... did we do this one already?
Ryan Tanay: keep...yeah....did that one :)
Brooke Tanay: Phone tools
Ryan Tanay: keep
Brooke Tanay: Shockwave
Ryan Tanay: keep
Brooke Tanay: ok i think im good
Ryan Tanay: nice....did you delete that uninstaller for that PAD thing?
Brooke Tanay: no... shoot where did i save it to!
Ryan Tanay: :P
Ryan Tanay: beats me
Brooke Tanay: found it gone
Ryan Tanay: just empty your recycle bin and should go a LOT faster this time ;)
Brooke Tanay: sounds good... if i have any more problems i will catch up with you tomorrow! you can go to bed
Brooke Tanay: thank you sooo much
Brooke Tanay: your the best
Ryan Tanay: i'll wait a bit to see if it gets a bit better....i'm looking at stuff online anywho....thanks sis :) I do what i can
Brooke Tanay: ok... give me a sec
Brooke Tanay: brb
Ryan Tanay: yep[
Ryan Tanay: it lives?
Brooke Tanay: hhaha
Brooke Tanay: so far so good...
Ryan Tanay: excellent
Brooke Tanay: very...thanks again...
Ryan Tanay: anytime sis...glad i could help
Brooke Tanay: but i have a 9 am class so its bed time!!!
Brooke Tanay: fun fun
Ryan Tanay: night night
Brooke Tanay: love you! miss you!
Ryan Tanay: :) you too...see you soon i hope
Brooke Tanay: ;)
There, wasn't that fun?