Fic: Five Photographs of a Life (Glee, Finn/Puck)

Jun 14, 2011 23:14

Title: Five Photographs of a Life
Rating: PG
Summary: Five photographs of Finn and Puck Growing Up Together.
Pairing: Finn/ Puck
 Count: 1047

Photograph 1: Age 3

Noah sits on the grass, tears on his cheeks and screaming his lungs out, while Finn, already bigger than his best friend, sits in the sandbox nearby.

Ms. Puckerman rushes over and scoops up her son, still screaming like it’s the end of the world. Carole stands at her side looking concerned. “What’s wrong, Noh? You hurt?” She coos, coddling her baby.

“Tractor.” Puck sobs, and points in Finn’s direction, where he’s playing with a dump truck. Finn’s oblivious and fills up the truck’s bed with sand and sticks.

“Oh, I see. Did Finn take the tractor? Well, I’ll bet you’d like to go on the slide then.” Carole smiled in conspiracy with her friend.

“Slide?!” Finn yelped from the sandbox and promptly got up and ran to the swing set. His voice, raspy from crying not too long before yelled for his mother to catch him as Noah’s mom placed him in the sandbox, still diaper clad in comparison to Finn’s latest achievement of being potty trained.

Photograph 2: Age 9

Mud. It’s everywhere. There’s so much mud it’s debatable that there’s two nine-year-old boys under it.

They’d been sent to old west camp together on scholarship, which made it easy for the week on their moms. It’s raining. It was getting close to the end of the week and the pouring down rain had been fun during the obstacle course and Slam Dunk Tennis, but the counselors were frankly running out of activities for the kids to do. Too much rain made the beavershark hunt in the river null because the water had risen and was flowing steadily, making it hard for the smaller kids, like Noah Puckerman, to manage. Granted, what the short boy lacked in height he made up for in enthusiasm and so much drive.

Why the counselors hadn’t thought of the rodeo in the first place is still mystery. What began as team games ended p being little more than mud-slinging. Literally. Noah had taken to it like a fish to water. There’s no denying that he’s all boy. His best friend Finn, however took some convincing. While the counselors encouraged him to come out of the shelter of the arena seats and play with the other kids, he would protest that there was more horse manure than mud in that arena and he’d probably get sick. He didn’t mention that his adolescent gangliness and premature height would probably make him an easy target.

Of course, none of the counselors had thought to ask Noah. He’d taken it upon himself to launch his smaller body at his best friend, effectively covering him in mud and dragging him into the arena. It didn’t take long to cover them both in a thick coat of brown mud, rain drenching their clothes but not strong enough to wash it off.

Photograph 3: 11 Years old

Finn, stitches along his right cheekbone tried not to smile as he scribbles him name on Noah-no, Puck’s red casted left arm.

The go cart Carole and Anne ahd gotten their sons to share for Christmas proved to be an ingenious idea at the time. OF course, they hadn’t appreciated the post-snow mud that they covered themselves, the carpet, and the go cart in, but mud washes off.

They really hadn’t anticipated the two rolling the go cart down the hill and into a tree. Yes, they were wearing helmets, but no, Puck wasn’t wearing a seatbelt even though Finn was and the mother’s had told them to never ride without one. Puck, sitting in the passenger seat, had fallen out on the roll, and the go cart had crushed his forearm. Finn, still strapped in, cut his face badly on the tree, warranting a line of 26 stitches.

They walked in the house laughing, Puck cradling his arm and Finn with blood streaking his face.

Photograph 4: 16 Years Old

Puck grips Finn’s hand with white knuckles in the train car as Rachel cling to Finn’s other arm.

“I’m going to go around.” Ms. Puckerman says, her voice tight. Her voice sounds how everyone else feels-so mournful, but most of all terrified. Puck’s been so quiet the whole time, and Rachel’s been crying as she walks with Finn. Carole follows behind the three, Rachel’s dads still back in Ohio. It had promised to be a trying trip, taking Rachel and Puck to the National Holocaust Museum. They had both begged to bring Finn, so Carole and Anne conceded, knowing they’d need some support.

The red cattle car glares at them. Anne had managed it before, and swore not to again. She knew the kids didn’t know what they were in for. She moves around the car and watches the three file through. Once through the door, she watches as her son grabs his best friend’s hand until his knuckles turn white and Finn flinches in pain. His eyes squeeze shut, and she thought that maybe he wasn’t quite ready for this yet.

Photograph 5: 18 Years Old

Puck’s hands are fisted in Finn’s striped polo, dragging Finn down to his level for a kiss.

Ms. Puckerman thought that it was odd that Finn had been visiting nearly daily lately. Even before her son fell out with the other teen, Finn had only been over three or four days a week, definitely not all of them. IT was still good for Puck to have someone to hang out with again, though, she thought. It might keep him out of trouble. If Noah went back to getting in trouble she wasn’t sure how she could manage Sara. Noah was a wonderful son, and he always helped pick up Sara or watch her or take her to ballet when mom was working overtime or making dinner or buying groceries.

So she didn’t mind that her son was always locked in his room with his best friend and loud music playing for hours at a time. How much trouble would Finn let him get into? She knew the studying excuse was a lie, but at least they were in the house and she never smelled smoke or booze.

It came as a complete shock when she barged in to ask Noah to drop Sara off at soccer practice and found her son making out with the nice boy that was supposed to be keeping him out of trouble.

Fin. Hope you enjoyed.
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