Title: A Diamond in the Rough
Author: Kat Lee
Characters/Pairing: Angel/Cordelia, Dennis, Fred
Rating: G/K
Challenge/Prompt: Dress
Word Count: Double Drabble - 200 (Sorry -- working with writer's block and couldn't seem to do any better.)
Summary: (
She was a diamond in the rough. )
Comments 4
I also regret there weren't far more scenes of Cordelia interacting with Phantom!Dennis.
Never saw the chemistry between her and Angel, but then, apart from when they were separated (when he became Angelus too), when he took on his own series, I never understood his attraction, or saw their chemistry either.
Liked it btw :-)
Cordelia's the only reason I still go in for Angel. I'm surprised you couldn't see the chemistry there, but each for their own.
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