Prompt 521 virus - Virus!

Jul 23, 2013 08:41

Title: Virus

Author: comlodge
Charachters: Spike & Dawn
Genre: Drabble, friendship
Words: 100
Rating: PG
Prompt: open_on_sunday Virus
Disclaimer: Charachters belong to someone cleverer than I. Just having a free for all play with them. The sandbox is big enough for all of us.
Summary: Lucky Dawn doesn't punch him in the nose really.

"Spike! What have you done to Willow's laptop?"
"What you mean, Bit?"
"I mean, all my files I carefully downloaded for school, aren't here. I'm pretty sure some of Willow's are missing too."
"Not my fault you can't save your work properly."
"I trusted you, Spike. You said you knew what you were doing!"
"'Course I knew what I was doin', Nib. Was playing with computers before you were born."
"What am I going to tell Willow?"
"Must have been a virus, I guess."
"A virus. Yeah, sure. Five foot ten, eyes of blue virus."
"What can I say? Vampire!"


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