Sep 04, 2011 16:44
Been a long time since I posted anything here. Here's a detail from late in my long work, DeadWar, which I still hope to finish one day.
Prompt: fire
Willow took one gasping breath and collapsed against Giles. "I can't...disrupt the ritual. It's too much."
Light ripped upward into the sky, brighter than the sun at noon, forcing Rupert Giles to throw an arm in front of his face.
"I don't get it," Xander mumbled. "I thought Buffy was gonna...I mean, light's a good thing, right?"
Giles squinted in the searing glare. Was that smoke rising from his arm?
"No," Illyria intoned. "No, it is not." She gave each of them a convulsive shove into the shadow of a building. "Run!"
Beneath the blazing light, Illyria burst into flame.
'verse: deadwar,