"Short" drabble

Mar 09, 2011 08:40

And That's Terrible

Stretch, yawn, blink awake. "Morning, sweetie." Tara reached out, only to have Willow shrug her off and burrow deeper under the covers.

"Grrf. Y'took m'cake."



Tara found Willow's shoulder under the covers and rocked her lightly. "You're dreaming."

Willow suddenly sat up, looked around, then lay back down. "Sorry. I dreamed you took all the cake. Felt all shortchangey," she added apologetically. "Did I mention that I'm crazy?"

"I guess dream-me loves your cake."

Willow grinned. "So, now we can have the leftover cake for breakfast instead, right?"


"I dreamed the cake too, didn't I?"

"There's waffles...?"

willow/tara, btvs5

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