Drabble: Symbolic

Mar 01, 2009 16:03

Title: Symbolic
Rating: G
A/N: From Flooded: This lamp’s in critical condition.

That lamp came from LA. It used to sit in the spare room but Joyce liked it enough to promote it to couch-duty. She loved to curl up in its light with a book once the girls were in bed.

It survived Ted, the zombie army, and the flood of love-crazed women seeking Xander. It lit Buffy’s prom-dress photos, and showed her the false images of Dawn. It saw Angel, Faith, Oz, Cordelia. Buffy’s latest memory is its light on Spike’s face before fighting Glory.

That lamp was with Joyce when she died. Now it’s just another thing Buffy’s lost.

btvs7, buffy

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