
Mar 01, 2009 10:33

Title: Weep Not for the Past
Prompt: Lamp
Characters: Angel 
Spoilers: None.
Disclaimer: Don't own it anymore. Sold my rights after the market crash.

Once Angel had a lamb. It had been born so early that he hadn't thought it would survive. It did, until Angel's father had a craving for lamb stew.
Once Angel had a lamp. It had been custom-made, from Tiffany's. He had been so happy with the product that the artist had lived...until they met in Barcelona.
Once Angel had a love. It had been passionate and painful, hopeful and hopeless. He was foolish enough to think it would last for a good while. It didn't.
Angel swigged his beer and listened to the music:
Those days are gone.
All by myself
Don't wanna be all by myself anymore.

ats1, angel

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