Done (Prompt: Bake)

Dec 07, 2008 19:38

Title: Done
Author: m00nst0ne
Words: 100
Prompt: Bake
Disclaimer: I wish they were mine but they're not!

"I'm ready."

"Good for you." Spike replied, uninterested.

"I'm serious."

"Me to. Sod off."

"My dough is done, I'm ready-baked and you don't even care."

"What the bloody hell are you talking about?" Spike dropped his game controller.

"I’m cookies.” Angel said, exasperated.

“Is that supposed to make sense to anybody that isn’t me?” Spike asked incredulously.

“It’s an analogy.” Angel sighed.

“A what now?”

“Forget it.” Angel sulked.

“Consider it forgotten.” Spike resumed his game.

Angel groaned before murmuring, “I’m ready for you and me.”

“Oh you old romantic you.” Spike snorted, as he drew Angel into an embrace.

spike, angel, post-series, angel/spike

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