Prompt: Remembrance

Nov 09, 2008 18:39

A pair for this prompt

Rating: PG
Characters: Buffy, Joyce

Buffy took a bunch of tiger lilies to the Sunnydale site. Nothing bland, nothing too funereal.

Eight years since Joyce died. No grave to visit.

Sometimes the raw loss still grabbed her with jagged fangs as though it had been just a week. Other weeks she barely thought of her mother until a random reminder covered her in guilty remembrance. Just such a moment had dragged her here today.

There had been bright beautiful flowers in the house when she died. It was a consolation.

The tiger lilies joined Joyce in the pit. Would they bring pleasure to the dead?


Sometimes she could remember with calm, though.

Hey Mom. I made your turkey stuffing this year. The guys couldn’t get enough. I think that recipe is part of Slayer heritage now.

You were wrong about Dawnie, by the way. A perm suits her. Makes her perky.

I learned how to change a washer without ripping the tap to shreds.

Willow’s Bryony came for New Years. She’s really….Wiccan.

I found my first grey hair. Don’t ask where.

Smallest of small things. The more precious for their insignificance.

And I’m pregnant.

Some things are so big they stop the world.

joyce, post-series, buffy

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