
Nov 09, 2008 12:11

nice prompt. Took a break from nano to bang this out.

Angel - Far Future setting - Bittersweet Symphony

The ocean at night put him in mind of time, surging and pulling on relentlessly. Angel stared out over the play of silvery moonlight on dark water, remembering all those he had lost. A golden Slayer who loved him, a dark-haired Slayer who believed he was her redeemer, both dead a century ago. Cordelia, one of the first to go. Gunn, Wesley, Fred all gone. L.A. had gone to hell and popped back and time still marched on. The ever-irritating Spike and Connor whose demon blood extended his lifespan remained with him. He wondered who they remembered, bittersweetly, never forgetting.

angel, post-series

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