Fanboy vs Fangirl

Aug 21, 2009 08:23

My friend spaltor made an awesome post today about the distinction between fangirl and fanboy.

check it out here!

Interestingly they diverge on 'passion' (for boys) and 'obsession' (for girls). Oddly, I would have pegged many guys (the ones of TrekBBS, the people who stay up late to make sure no one's wrong on the internet, a guy who left me a scathing review because I had shields instead of hull plating on a Wraith ship)

Most fangirling I know seems to be more about passions. Fanfiction is an emotional pursuit, not a technical one. And yes, I'm obsessed, but I'm more obsessed with my own ability to convey limited emotional truth in fanfiction than Gates McFadden's legs actors. Okay, I used to love actors a lot more then I worked in film and it took the magic away. Not that it was a bad thing.

Does this mean to be somewhat respectable I have to be a 'boy'? I don't want to be a boy.



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