Synopsis [written by joishbishmyoga; read by Opalsong]

Feb 07, 2015 09:04

Title: Synopsis
Author: joisbishmyoga
Readers: Opalsong
Fandom: Harry Potter/Yu Yu Hakusho
Pairings: Gen
Rating: Teen
Length: 43:12
Size: 39.8MB
Lovegood by Alexandre Desplat
Neville by Alexandre Desplat
Anbaransu na Kiss o Shite by Takahashi Hiro
Cover: Opalsong
Summary: Synopsis of the rest of A Good Offense and the unwritten third fic in the series. Want to know what Harry's core magic is? What Voldie's ultimate plan is? If Hiei and Kurama do more than tease? (Just kidding that last one is only sort of answered) Listen and find out!

Links: mp3
BD/GO Extras Podbook
Archive Link

Thanks to Paraka for hosting!!

cross posted at amplificathon, my journal, and AO3

fandom:harrypotter, fandom:yu yu hakusho, podfic

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