2014 Podfic Review

Dec 30, 2014 11:10

Podfics I Released This Year:
The Kindness of Strangers (a yuletide gift for me! If I remember right, I recorded this because I needed to study my own sounds for a Phonology class)
dammit, put the condom on the banana
the truth about butts and wolves
La Belle Laide (Yuletide gift for me)
Briar (Yuletide gift for me)
Closet 'Verse (actually 6 fics. just all in one AO3 post)
Psychics 101 (pt_lightning fic with Syr)
This Has Been: "A Stupid Thought I Had to Share with All of You" (multi-voice collab project I ran)
It's a Hard-Knock Life (Except When There's Cookies)
The Long Term Effects of Car Crashes (pt_lightning fic with dancinbutterfly)
Teamwork Haru 'Verse (andother 6 fic series in one AO3 post)
Best Laid Plans
Mother of All Hangovers
The House in the Red Light District
Five Times Sam Wilson Didn't Even Try To Get The Avengers To Talk About Their Feelings (CONvergence multi-person collab)
Seyruun High Jinx: Summer Special (Extreme Big Bang podfic)
Seyruun High Jinx: Next! (Extreme Big Bang podfic)
Iwatobi Swim Club and the Summer of Gods (pod_together fic with Syr and Hananobira)
So You Think You Can Dance 104th Finale (pod_together treat with Syr)
all the reds
88 Dates (gift for knight_tracer for beta-ing my extreme big bang podfics)
Underneath and Unexplored
There's Always Room For Family (aka, That Time Eliot Helped Break Rio)
Metaphysical Gravity (The Sunshine Epilogue)
Drifting: More Than A Thing in Japan
Waking the Beast
The Right of All Sentient Beings
Running Ain't Freedom
One Extortionist to Another
let's do that again
Put Your Funderwear On
An Energy Like No Other
Breaking to Saddle
Five Times Someone Figured Out Heero Was A Girl
From the Desk of Bubbles: Things I Will Keep Doing as a Boy (collab with by brother WarkV2)
In Defiance of Reason
Without Fear or Favor (podfic big bang)
Life Lessons (podfic big bang)
A Time and Place (podfic big bang)
It’s Just That Any One of Us Is Half Without Another One Is You (podfic big bang)
And We'll Laugh About It (podfic big bang)
Up on the Angel's Shoulders (podfic big bang)
A Cup of Sugar (podfic big bang)
Cloud Hands (podfic big bang)
Iron Under Water (podfic big bang)
(Not) Limited by Blood (podfic big bang)
Old Wine (podfic big bang)
Babylon (podfic big bang)
backslide (podfic big bang)
yet we will make him run (podfic big bang)
Hide Of A Life War (podfic big bang)
Justifying the Means
Four Things That Could Have Happened in YuYuHakusho, and One That Couldn't: An Omake Collection (pt_lighting fic with Syr)
Heart (for Rhea314 for ITPE)
Lungs (for Rhea314 for ITPE)
Liver (for Rhea314 for ITPE)
Marrow (for Rhea314 for ITPE)
O Brightening Glance (for Rhea314 for ITPE)
On The Shoulder Of A Giant (for randomicicle for ITPE)
Present Tense (for AshesandGhost as an ITPE treat)
On Southerly Winds (for theloudestnoise as an ITPE treat)
The Best Defense (for lattice_frames as an ITPE treat)

• 72 podfics released - 29 MORE than last year. WOW!! Like last year several of these were in series.
• Total Time: 203:11:53 okay. I think I made a decent showing *wry*
- Longest Podfic: Seyruun High Jinx: Next (I am not surprised)
- Shortest Podfic: all the reds (as that I recorded this to try out my new mic in several places, I am also not surprised)
Fandoms: I podficced in 26(+) different fandoms this year!
- Twisted Princess (3 - counting these as one fandom even though technically I think they are 3 different ones. These were 3 gifts I got for yuletide last year.)
- Hockey (3 - still recording the occasional hockey podfic. still bewildered I'm even in this fandom)
- Teen Wolf (3 - still recording occasionally in this fandom too.)
- Bleach (6 - these are all one series. I was inspired by last year's Teamwork for Hire to seek out more)
- Psych (1 - a crossover with Community for pod_together)
- Community (2 - one of these was the aforementioned pod_together project and the other was a massive multi-voice project)
- DCComics (1 - I poke at this fandom every so often. I'm not really in it but I try)
- Fast and The Furious (11 - 6 of these are a crossover series with Transformers, my first PT_lightning project of the year was this fandom and someone wanted me to create more. I happened to marathon the movies with my roommie and here we are)
- Naruto (18 - 6 in one series, 11 in another, and 1 solo. I recorded a genderswap series early on in the year and then finished out the year with the rest for podfic big bang)
- Attack on Titan (11 - 4 in a series. got into this series with a vengence this year)
- Avengers (1 - recorded with a group of people at CONvergence. I don't record in this fandom oddly enough)
- Slayers (2 - in a series. the same as last year)
- Free! (1 - a crossover with Percy Jackson for Pod_Together)
- Percy Jackson (1 - the same fic as above)
- So You Think You Can Dance (1 - a crossover with Attack on Titan for PT_lightning)
- Leverage (1 - a crossover with Fast and the Furious. because when I see Leverage crossovers I snap them up)
- Pacific Rim (2 - both crossovers. one with Fast and the Furious and one with Attack on Titan. because both NEEDED to happen)
- Transformers (6 - in a series. crossover with Fast and the Furious. also a think that NEEDED to exist for the world to make sense)
- Powerpuff Girls (1 - because it was the only fic I could find that I wanted to record with my brother. I don't even watch PPG)
- Homestuck (1 - well I can truly say I'm out of the fandom now. I recorded this one b/c it is a sequel to one I'd already posted)
- Gundam Wing (1 - but oh, am I getting started on this fandom)
- Fullmetal Alchemist (3 - 2 are in a series I'm still working on and the other was massive)
- Yu Yu Hakusho (2 - why aren't there more fics for this series! one of these is a pt_lightning project and the other is a massive re-pod of a Harry Potter crossover)
- Harry Potter (1 - speaking of... )
- Saints Row (1 - a treat for ITPE. I had giant amounts of fun finding a Fem!Boss fic to podfic)
- Dragon Age 2 (1 - I never thought I'd return to this fandom, mostly b/c I wasn't in it to begin with. But having now played the game (and been utterly dissapointed with it) I felt I could record a treat in it for ITPE)
- the (+) is because the Slayers podfics (for extreme big bang) is actually a MASSIVE crossover

• The Best Podfic I made this year: hands down the Essentials series. The writing was just perfect for me. Even though it made me sick to my stomache to record (and I mean that literally). The raw emotion and creepy cold undertones just worked for me. This was an ITPE gift for Rhea314 - Happy Holidays! Here's DARKNESS with non-con cannibalism)
• Most Popular: How do you even judge that? AO3 kudos wise, top of 2014 is 88 Dates. Comments (on AO3) say that backslide is by far the most popular.
• Most Underappreciated:  Nothing is really sticking out. For size of fandom and the normal response podfic gets I'd say most of my podfics got way more apprietiation than I normally expect.  The response I got to my podfic big bang fics was incredible to me.  But that is probably b/c I actually podficced things in popular (or at least well loved) fandoms.
• My Favorite:  As I said last year, this changes every time I post something. Right now it would either be The Essentials series or The Best Defense which is actually a repod of lattice_frames' podfic big bang podfic.  I really enjoyed making it and I think it turned out very very well.  I'm just sad that more people probably won't listen to it. (I could put it down as most underappreciated except that I only posted it at ITPE so there hasn't been a chance for much of a response yet)  Other favourites of the year include So You Think You Can Dance 104th Finale which was amazing to create with Syr and then amazing to integrate music into AND This Has Been: "A Stupid Thought I Had to Share with All of You" which is the MASSIVE MULTIVOICE project I did this year and was super fun to organize and it came out really really well.
• Most difficult to make:  This has a couple of answers. 1) The Essentials series. because it made me actually physically ill to record.  Normally I could record something that length in a sitting or two but this I had to do each one seperately b/c I couldn't handle more. 2) This Has Been: "A Stupid Thought I Had to Share with All of You" b/c it involved a lot of people wrangling.  I definitely could have handled some things better towards the end.  However, neither really holds up to 3) Seyruun High Jinx: Next. which. ugh. I was bound and determined to finish this series. so I was pushing way harder than I should have to do it.  That wasn't the problem though.  I HATED this story by the end.  I still love the concept (which honestly just makes things worse) but the failure on the part of the authors to execute it was massive.  Extreme Big Bang required a beta so I ended up giving "raw" files (as in I hadn't done a listen through after editing visually) to knight_tracer who was beta-ing for me, because I just couldn't handle listening to it.  I think, other than the final story in that series and the teen wolf podfic from last year, this was the hardest and most unpleasant thing I've ever podficced.
• Most “ah ha ha I can’t believe I’m doing this”?  I don't really get like that? I just challenge accept things and then do them. maaaaaybe dammit, put the condom on the banana but not really? Maybe This Has Been: "A Stupid Thought I Had to Share with All of You" b/c it was massive and I had SO MANY good podficcers on it that I definitely had flaily moments of "OMG am I doing this for real" but that was a disbelieving happiness "ah ha ha" and not a weirded out one...
• Most fun to make? Hands down Four Things That Could Have Happened in YuYuHakusho, and One That Couldn't: An Omake Collection. This was a pt_lightning fic that Syr and I created.  It was hard to record b/c I was laughing so hard.  Seriously, it has two minutes of outtakes that are just me being unable to go on I'm laughing so hard.
• Was there one that didn’t turn out the way you wanted? hmmmm... I'm generally pretty happy with my podfic this year.  maybe It’s Just That Any One of Us Is Half Without Another One Is You b/c I was still trying to figure out where to record with my new mic.  The sound quality isn't bad in any way but I have since found a spot with better and more consistent sound.  That's all I can think of.  Well, no. Both Slayers podfics are not great. but I also don't care.
• Biggest learning experience: This Has Been: "A Stupid Thought I Had to Share with All of You"  b/c of the people wrangling.  Also figuring out how to edit that many parts.
• Favourite Cover Art: OMG I'm so in love with my cover for The Best Defense that I can't even say!  I have covers already for the other parts of the series and I think I'm more excited to post them than the actual podfics.
• Other Stuff: This year I didn't do as many collabs but I did do the Massive Multi-voice project.  I did pt_lightning several times as well as the main pod_together challenge.  Most of these I did with Syr (my roommate) and for pod_together we added Hananobira to the mix.  I did try pt_lightning with someone else and that went... poorly.  I'll probably stick to Syr from now on.  I did both Podfic Big Bang and Extreme Big Bang.  I OWNED both.  I went to CONvergence again and met up with fellow podficcers again.  I recorded something with my brother!! and I signed up for ITPE and made treats for the exchange this year! First time for that!
• Goals from last year?
- I plan on finishing my extreme big bang podfic which is the sequel to SHJ. If I get that done and I'm not totally burnt out I'm going to try and record the third in the series for podfic big bang. I'd only have one left. and I think that one is the shortest! (AHAHAHAHAHA OMG *sobs* so I finished both the second and third I had wanted to. but I got halfway through the last one and failed out.  I'm still unable to deal with this.)
- not a podfic goal but something that impacts my podficcing habits: I'm doing a Masters program this year so trying to find time and energy to podfic at all is interesting. (...... I also quit this. for non-podfic related reasons. however, it has increased my podficcing dramatically.  I took all of the porductive energy from my Masters and pushed it into podfic)
- I'd love to meet more podficcers and hang out more. (DONE. I had someone come and stay with me even!!)
- I'm in the middle of podficcing a loooooooooong Fullmetal Alchemist fic and I'd like to get that done. I'm haing trouble getting into it and it is shelved right now due to the Seyruun High Jinx series and the challenges I've attached them to. (AH HAH! Finished this too.  Posted it for Podfic Big Bang.)
- I think mostly my goals are to finish the SHJ sequel on time and then keep podficcing despite the Masters workload. (I've went over this. still not over it. any of it)
- (also I want a new mic. we'll see if that happens) (DONE! thank you parental units for the amazing birthday gift)
• What’s next? Do you have any podfic goals for next year?
- first and main goal is to KEEP PODFICCING FUN.  I've had moments in the past year when it felt like a job. NO MORE OF THAT
- I got permission to podfic one of my favourite Harry Potter fics (400k) so I want to do that.
- but first I have to finish the Best Defense series. (and a couple of other projects that I have lying around)
- also I want to podfic a couple of Maldoror fics. This will be interesting b/c they aren't around any more so permission is weird.
- most pressingly, I'm going to direct a Theatripod project! This will be awesome.  However, my author hasn't gotten back to me :S
- and a semi-goal (it's a goal. I just don't want to hold myself to it) is to podfic ONE MILLION words for either Epic Podfic big Bang or Podfic Big Bang this year.
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