I'm scheduled to have a coccygectomy on March 24. That's removal of the coccyx (aka the tailbone). See, about
10 years ago I fell down the stairs at home and broke my tailbone. It never healed properly as you can see from this
x-ray. Note how instead of curving in it curves back out again first*. Painful to sit on. We tried
steroid treatment but that was unsuccessful. So this new doctor is willing to operate to take it out! Hooray!
It should make sitting rather uncomfy for a while while it heals, but once it's healed it's going to make such a difference. I've gotten so used to the pain over all these years (it comes and goes, but lately it's been acute) it will be a relief to finally have it GONE!
Possibly not the most dignified surgical procedure a woman can have. Ass-up on the table, incisions 'tween the cheeks... but I'll try not to think about that and I'll be passed out anyway and these are professionals who hopefully will crack all their jokes while I'm under and not afterwards.
This is how they're supposed to look.)