Title: Left in the Dark
Pairing: Smoker/Ace
Rating: PG-13
Theme: Meatloaf 21: Left in the Dark
Word Count: 100
Smoker hated goodbyes. Possibly more than pirates, maybe even more than corrupt marine officials and even more than the pirate brat who showed up at his window a little too often. This was why Ace could only stay until just before sunrise. Sunrise was when the marines started their daily duties and came to wake up their captain with coffee.
But almost as much as he hated goodbyes, Smoker grew to hate being left alone in the dark every time the last of Ace's fire doused out and left him cold, alone, and just half-way awake in the bitter dark.
Title: Alive
Pairing: Smoker/Ace
Rating: R-ish
Theme: Meatloaf 22: Alive
Word Count: 100
There are many things that let Ace know he's alive. When his captain Whitebeard promoted him, every time he runs away from a large restaurant bill, the many times he fell asleep in food and almost got killed by Whitebeard's many enemies.
But for some reason he can't fully fathom he never feels as much alive as when Smoker is running a gloved finger down his neck or teasing fire logia with encircling smoke that dances in and out and plays on his skin. It's become an addiction because if there's something Ace can't get enough of, it's feeling alive.
Title: Marine Files
Pairing: Smoker/Ace even though Smoker's not even in it. Just his desk
Rating: G
Theme: Meatloaf 23: Everything Louder Than Everything Else
Word Count: 100
Author's note: I based this one more on the song lyrics than the title so I tried to bring it back to the title... with semi-disastrous effects. So um... sorry about that? Basically the idea is Ace wants dangerous adventure etc., not be a boring old coot and that is why he's a pirate and still sexes up Smoker.
There, sitting on Smoker's desk, was Ace's very own file just begging to be read by the pirate.
The descriptions of him were certainly colorful. Some of the details of his "adventures" he didn't even remember doing. What stood out the most were the words, "Wild", "Reckless", and most strangely of all, "Too much like Vice-Admiral Garp."
His grandfather would have disagreed rather heavily with that. Garp always complained Ace needed to be more like him; a responsible marine and not a lousy pirate.
But Ace had always replied, "I'm going to live my life everything louder than everything else."