Title (or theme): See You Up There Someday
Pairing (if any): Usopp, Nami; no pairings
Warnings (Spoilers, Chara death, etc.): none
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: "South South Dakota"
"Why do you like giants so much?"
Nami has no problem interrupting him. Her directness almost tricks him into answering.
Why? Because...
nothing to prove - bravery, pride, confidence embodied- automatic respect - see so far along the horizon - unlimited excitement - every adventure the truth - and on and on and on
He can't tell them, though, not even Nami, who regards cowardice as a survival tactic.
"Just do."
"Probably 'cause they made me king for a day -"
Nami doesn't believe a single word. She sees inward always, while his own eyes wander out and around and up, up, up.