Title (or theme): Something or Nothing to Prove
Pairing (if any): Ace, Whitebeard; no pairings
Warnings (Spoilers, Chara death, etc.): Spoilers for Ace's portion of the Alabasta Arc
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: "All Over Town"
"Why are you here, boy?" the words wheeze out of Whitebeard's oversized lungs like a receding storm.
The boy standing there is graced with height, tousled black locks, freckles - angelic but for his saber-tooth smile and the strange glitter of his eyes.
He says now, "To find something bigger than myself."
"You've not found it yet?"
"Nossir." The respect in his voice is purely perfunctory.
"You think you'll find it here?"
White teeth flash against tan skin. "Might. Make me second-in-command, an' we'll see."
Ace can't help it. He's only seventeen, drunk on the arrogance of a blessed youth.