Too think I just read this in an article... quoting Mayor Nagin of New Orleans... The same man who earlier was claiming that all those National Guard Troops and Red Cross that were in New Orleans prior to the storm, were never there. In the same article, which is readily available on Yahoo!'s news page... also has the Governor claiming that she issued the mandatory evacuation 2 days prior to the storm and that Blanco (former FEMA head) was speaking falacy... I was attempting to not stand on my soap box anywhere on the situations of how our government handled these recent disasters... but I can stand it no longer. To think that I have wasted part of my life reading this bullshit is beyond me... and to think that there are people who are so blind and so "buck the authority" that they attempt to denounce and disprove fact... is beyond me as well. First of all... the freaking evacuation should have been ordered, oh I don't know... 5 days earlier when you knew the storm was going to hit and area under sea level... I mean it doesn't take a Doctorate in Science or Geology to tell you that a lot of rain is going to flood a place that should itself, be under the sea. I am appauld at the ungrateful way that some people, like the Mayor, have acted. I understand it is a rather stressful thing to go through, I know people who were in La. and Tx., but come the hell on. You aren't going to win any points with me by trying to live in a bunch of delusions and lies, and for whatever deity's sake... I hope it doesn't sway the American people. I am also mortified at how politicians are trying to make themselves out to be saviors and helpers of the people... I don't see any of them taking a pay cut in order to have funded the levees that broke... I also didn't see any of them out there volunteering their time... They are supposed to be common, everyday people... This is ridiculous that they stand in judgment of others who were trying to act, trying to be there... They don't have one freaking clue how difficult an evacuation of a good portion of a state must be... Nor do they have any real, honest concern for the lives lost or affected. Alas, the American people will rally behind these fakes... these wolves in sheep's skin... because they are so dazed by all this and so frustrated... that they'll follow any old shepherd to their doom. I think our system of government needs a shakedown... a complete clearing and sweeping out. We need to get rid of every elected official and not allow them to run again... If one head is to roll, they all should roll... we shouldn't discriminate. This was all a screw up of catastrophic proportions and the people that are doing all the finger pointing (then denying it) never lifted a finger to help... lets be honest about that. Write your congressmen/woman... your representative... Stop being sheep for your own sakes. There are people who take action and deal with the consequences and then there are those, like our politicians, who sit back and points fingers and accentuate the flaws of those who gave a damn enough to act... We don't need people like the later. is the link to the article... why did I type it out, you may ask... because that way you can see its a reputable article before clicking... I believe it closed with a quote from the Republican representative of Texas saying "I don't know how you sleep at night, You lost the battle." Well this goes out to you Mr. Granger... You lost the battle and you continue to every time you sit in judgment over someone who had the balls to do what you wouldn't: Act for the sole benefit of other human lives without selfish intent. Once you've done that, then maybe you'll be wise enough to come back and know that you shouldn't judge anyone who at least stands up to try and do something.
I'd like to just say, thank you, to anyone who was able to read through all of that. I know that most also have an opinion on the situation, most probably disagree with me... but I'm just fed up with watching the selfishness around me. The world is bad enough, we are all suffering, that is a fact... Why do we need to make the suffering of others more severe, just to lessen our own? It is pointless and only spreads more discontent... Yes, but typing up what I have, someone could say I've only made their suffering worse... but I can't not right a wrong or not correct a lie... We as people should always seek out and live only by the truth. We should also be more empathetic towards one another and not add to each others suffering. I'll be uploading my website here soon, check the links... check out the sites on buddhism... There is a lot in the religion that we can adapt to everyday life... Well again, thank you for the time. I wish you all good health, prosperity, and karma.