Five hours until I leave for the food show. I suppose I should be sleeping but just how much rest do I need to spend the day eating? Over four hundred exhibits and my only task is to sample. The only way this could get better is if I were to get paid for it; my mom will but she actually has influence over what the bar serves -- I'm just along to eat.
It's 31° outside. Wonderful though that is, I'm really not ready to turn my heat on yet. Hell, I still have windows open. And I have no weather-proofing done whatsoever (the joys of living in a drafty trailer). I suspect I'm too excited to sleep so I may just do that tonight.
And perhaps I will kill the chipmunk that has taken up residence with me. I've been reluctant to do so because it hasn't really done any harm. I haven't found anything chewed up or any signs that it's using the place as a giant bathroom so I figured it would just find it's way back out eventually.
The little bastard fucked with my vibrator. I woke up to a weird noise that I'd never heard before. It was the sound of my vibrator rolling across the hall and into the bathroom. Given that it had been in the bedroom just hours before and didn't have a battery in I can do nothing but blame the chipmunk. I rescued it of course and it appears unharmed but I don't think I'll be able to use it again. Icky is the word that comes to mind.
This will be the
second time I've replaced this thing. I need to go to the porn shop anyway so this isn't a huge inconvenience but still. I'd like to be able to know that I will wake up with the same number of sex toys as I had when I went to sleep.
I've been spending more time with the
babies lately. Now that they can both walk and are starting to talk they're a lot more fun. I don't have to worry about supporting their heads when I hold them so I'm much more willing to do so. Feeding them is much easier -- they just grab whatever's in reach instead of crying for bottles. They're even starting to recognize me and often come running into the kitchen at work; it turns out I can cook small orders with a toddler on one hip.