Jun 20, 2008 22:51
Yeah because I've been reading again. My fics-to-read-list is just getting shorter. Of course; it usually refills itself pretty fast so I don't think I will get any problems with 'not having anything to read' very soon. *snicker*
And my other list is of course growing. The one where I acutally put up the fics I already have read. *wrinkles nose* One day I'm gonna have to go through it and make it better. Putting ratings on the fics and such things... or something like that. Be a bit more specific about pairings, how many chapters there is and... well... stuff like that.
But I don't see that day coming very soon. *smile* It's just too troublesmoe right now. But I have been thinking of actually doing it; and that's just has to be enough right now.
Today I've truly felt like a zombie. I still do. Actually; I think I'm going to bed now.
Nice writing to you!