You know what's REALLY fun?

Sep 10, 2008 00:37

Making out with your boyfriend [whom you work with] in the elevator at work.

:door closes:

:tonsil hockey session occurs:

:Matt shakes his head:


:more tonsil hockey:

"Oh Matty, if the HR department could only see us now..."

"Thank god this is the only part of the building without cameras."

:door opens:


Even if he's a butt-head who bailed on me @ 5 today, he's still pretty freakin' awesome.
He needs to quit winning the floor spiff tho, he's makin' me look bad.

He and Michelle are moving into Bay Pointe which is literally a short walk from work and my house, so I'm pretty freakin stoked about that. Unfortunately, they're getting a one bedroom, and we'll be sleeping in the livingroom 'cause he gave Michelle the room. I guess this means we're gonna have to start wearing pajamas to bed ;P

It's sad, I actually can't wait to get to work every day so I can see him. Since my mom has poker games on Monday and Thursday nights which leave me locked out of the house after work, I'm gonna start spending every monday and thursday night with him which I am sooooper looking forward to. Every minute spent with him is a minute cherished in it's entirety.

Anyway, going off topic a bit, last night was a blasty blast. Val, Jackie, Max, and Xander accompanied me bar hopping last night. We started at the pool hall, where I snagged Lucas and had him play beer pong on my team. Then after some flip cup, we went outside and talked about the Maggie saga. Apparently karma is a fucking bitch, 'cause it bit him in the ass real good. Turns out it's the same Maggie I went to PACE with that accused Scuba Steve of rape [even tho I was in the room and it was DEF. consensual] and almost ended his career in the Army... then turned around and did it again to my old roommate Joe and then proceeded to run off with my purse. YEAH. So without divulging too much, if she's that good at ruining lives, OBVIOUSLY she fucked Lucas over hxc. She even stole the man's cat.

Anyway after Lucas and I talked, more beer drinking and pool playing commenced until I ran in to Robbie. Jackie, Robbie, and I went across the street to Dirty Nelly's for some shots. After the rest of my possee caught up with me and I learned that they didn't have any Creme de Menthe with which to make the IRA bomb I SO desperately craved, we went to The Emerald and proceeded to drink even more. After some dancing, sparing with Val, and an epic 6 block drunken piggy-back ride back to the car, I finally came home and crashed around 4.

And now... PICTURES!!!!!

[fukkk y0 cut, bi0tch.]

There's WAY more but I am FAR too lazy to post them tonight.

Time to smoke a bowl, drink a Steel, and ass the fuck out.

That's right, I said ass out.


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