Yay for no work!

Feb 20, 2009 12:20

I have the day off today so I'm sitting in bed, reading fic and sipping on a steaming cup of English Breakfast tea. *sigh* I wish I were back in London, minus the cold. If I could bring Los Angeles weather with me, that would be ideal.

On another thought, just read Naruto

I actually really like Pain as a villain. I think that having a multidimensional villain is always more interesting. Kind of like when Gaara was of the evil nature, he was super creepy and crazy, but you also wanted to pet him and make him feel better. I don't think Pain would quite as open to cuddling as Gaara, but it gives the character a lot more depth. It also helps to know that there's a reason behind his strong convictions.

Then again, can we talk about this? Can you say... CREEPPPYY!! I love the art of manga, but it's frames like this where I can't wait to see what he'll look like in the anime. His arms are so stick-like, and the ribcage is terrifying. The end is near for the Naruto series, and it makes me so sad. I want to go on and on forever.

random thoughts, manga, naruto

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