Well, this comes quite a bit later than I intended but, hee, I forgot Supernatural was on tonight and, that show? OWNS me. *feels no shame*
Anyway, I apologize ahead of time for the spammage but I've got several things I want to post/post about and, I don't know, because I'm anal about things I guess I'd like them separate.
So, first up? Icons. As I mentioned a few entries ago, things have really been looking up for me lately and, as "the big things" have begun to fall into place so have the little. Right down to even the most little of little things...icon-making. Now, sure, some of these suck-ass. And when compared to anything but my own previous attempts to figure out PSP they're positively mediocre. But, yeah, this batch is my best yet and I'm taking pride in it.
Huh, for some reason it sounds to me like there should be a "So there!" after that even though there's no reason for me to be defensive (yet anyway =P). *shrug* Weeeeird.
[15] Veronica Mars
[05] Will & Grace Jack
[10] Men of Serenity/Firefly (plus River)
[04] Actors (Penelope Cruz, Amber Benson/Emma Caulfield, Sean Hayes)
[10] Misc. (A Home At The End of the World, Prison Break, House, Supernatural, Hedley)
Veronica Mars
- Brushes by
crystalkirk and
- Veronica Mars screencaps courtesy of
_jems_- Doctor Who screencaps courtesy of
__kali__ or
- Men of Serenity/Firefly pics courtesy of
meggan_2004 here.
- The rest of the images were either capped by me or... from somewhere else. If you ask me I'll try to remember =P