- First up, OT3 kissing!!! Jack/Rose! Jack/Doctor! Jack/Rose/Doctor is canon people, CANON!!! "See you in hell" *sigh* Again I say, such a pretty, pretty whore. :: snuggles Jack:: Now, I'm soo NOT a smut reader (or really much of a fanfic reader at all) but I've got a serious craving for some brilliant Rose/Doctor/Jack fic, preferably of the "Sexy Fun Time" variety. Though, actually, ANY Doctor Who fic recs would be much appreciated. I've already book-marked
wisteria_ and
the_royal_anna's which so conveniently presented themselves to me on my flist but if you've got a fave besides them? Rec away! :)
- LOVED Rose's reaction to Lynda. I really liked that they addressed the understandable "Okay and what the fuck are YOU doing?" jealousy and yet... not, y'know? I mean, they acknowledged it but kept it from being a real issue. It would have been nice though I think to have had The Doctor notice one of Rose's looks and maybe give a sheepish or, preferably, clueless one of his own. But, hey, it was all about them in the end and Lynda was "Exterminate(d)!" so, no harm, no foul =P.
- The Doctor and Rose's conversation while stripping wires...
"There's another thing the TARDIS could do. It could take us away... we could leave..."
"Yeah but you'd never do that"
"No, but you could ask... never even occurred to you did it?"
"Well, I am just too good."
... was too perfect. And such a wonderful lead-in to the heartbreaking decision he had to make :(. He knew there was just no way she would leave without him. Not willingly. "Now, I've just got to go and power up the games station". *sob* Oh and when E(mergency)P(rogram)O(ne)!Doctor (heh) looked to her directly at the end? I literally felt my heart skip. "Have a good life. Do that for me, Rose. Have a fantastic life." From this scene on I was frantically wiping the tears away so I could actually like see the ep, the detail, and not just a blur of colour.
- I've stated before how impressed I am with Billie's acting but I thought she particularly ROCKED here. "Take me back! Take me back! How do you fly?!" :*( Oh and her speech/blow-up at the diner with Mickey and Jackie had me blubbering. Absolutely brilliant.
- Speaking of that scene, god, I loved it. Accenting angst with comedy really makes the hurt deeper somehow and this was no exception.
"Have you tried that new pizza place on Midland road?"
"What's it selling?"
"Oh that's nice. Do they deliver?"
The wacky sci-fi-ness is soo much easier to swallow when written alongside normal, everday, mundane stuff like that too. It really keeps it grounded.
- Being such a huge fan of "Father's Day", I absolutely looooved that they went back and addressed the events of it. That whole scene in the TARDIS was so painfully lovely. Yeah, I totally cried *g*. And then of course when Jackie showed up with the... uh, big truck, "You were right about your dad, Sweetheart. He was full of mad ideas and that's exactly what he would have done." Gah, I adore her.
- Jack, "the last man standing". *sniff* "Exterminate!" "I kinda figured that". :*( Some related questions...
1) Was Jack the only one TARDIS!Rose revived? Or do you think she reversed it all? Brought back the people on floor 100, Earth, etc.?
2) Will Earth ever see it's 4th Great and Bountiful Empire? =P
3) I'm a total spoilerPHOBE but... this I need to know, will Jack be back in the Christmas special and/or season two?
- TARDIS!Rose was sooo pretty! I loved all the glowy light (shiny!) and how they altered her voice. She reminded me a lot of Buffy in S4's Primevil actually, especially when she stopped the Dalek's laser or whatever which was very Buffy turning Adam's bullets into doves to me. "I want you safe. My Doctor." Yes! YOUR Doctor. Ooh, this reminds me, I saw the funniest icon while scrolling through, uh, I think it was
time_and_chips, of Lynda on the platform with the Dalek's rising up in front of the window. The text? "You are the weakest link, goodbye!" Hee ;).
- The revelation regarding "Bad Wolf"? Very cool. Though, I must admit, I still don't get how that actually works. It was the same when they did that in the latest Harry Potter movie. It doesn't make any sense to me. I mean, we saw how history changed in "Father's Day" after Rose went back and... well, changed it. Initially there was no one there for him. Just because there would be eventually didn't make the story of his death any different. The story wasn't different until she... made it different. Eh, I'm not making sense. The point is that, to me, neither did that whole receiving the message before she sent it thing =P.
- "I can see everything. All that is, all that was, all that ever could be". Did anyone else get that, from the way they played it, that last part there was meant to imply a future Doctor/Rose relationship? Like relationship relationship? Cause I certainly did and my little shipper heart soared at the possibilities! ^_^
- The KISS!!! That gorgeous kiss!!! "Come here... I think you need a doctor". *swoon* Don't we all?
- Oh my fucking GOD, they left Jack!! I understand (and appreciate) that it had to be just Rose and The Doctor in the final scene but, gah, did you see his face?! It absolutely broke my heart! :*(
- Okay, embarrassing admission time. You know the whole "joke" about Barcelona having dogs with no noses? I, uh, don't get it =P. What was the joke? Why was it funny? Can anyone explain?
- All the cracks about The Doctor's appearance (and therefore Chris's) had me going, "No! You're perfect just the way you are! Don't change!" Seriously, I've come to adore the way Chris looks, freakishly big ears/nose and all. Honest to god I find the man sexy. It's amazing what a personality like that can do.
- After The Doctor told Rose she was absolutely fantastic and then added "And y'know, so was I" I literally said out loud to my comp screen, "Yes! Yes, you were!" *sigh* And now you're gone :(. Knowing I'd soon be Eccleston-less though, I actually looked up Chris on imdb.com just before my internet died and was shocked to see that he's been in several movies I've seen before. I totally can't place him in The Others, Gone In 60 Seconds, etc. Odd considering how unforgettable he's been in this role. Anyway, I've made a mental note to rent a bunch of his movies whenever I see them. Especially Jude (for the obvious reason that he's the star).
My thoughts regarding David Tennant's Doctor based on his, like, three seconds of screen time...
He's cute. Too cute actually. He's obviously younger and more conventionally good looking. Do you suppose that was something they were really looking for when re-casting? Could they be thinking he'll lend himself "better" to any further romance with Rose? I remember reading something eaaarly on, before I even watched an episode actually, about this being the first Doctor to fall in love. Is this true? Has this been the most romantic version yet? Anyone familiar with the other versions want to fill me in? Have there been other love interests for The Doctor, has he ever kissed any other companions, etc?
And even MORE lingering questions I have...
On Regeneration: I've been wondering this for awhile but didn't want to ask about it because the answer would involve spoilers but, just to clarify, this "tenth" Doctor is still the same Doctor, same memories, etc. as "ninth" but just in a new body? The only difference is physical, correct? I mean, I know of course that looking outside the character, David will bring something different to the role than Chris did, different voice, mannerisms, etc. but, well, you know what I mean. As far as the show/canon goes, there really are supposed to be no differences to The Doctor after regeneration other than his appearance?
On "Fantastic!": Is that a Doctor Who 2005 thing or a Doctor Who in general thing? Did previous Doctor's say this (as often as Chris did)? Do you think David will carry it on?
On Chris leaving (and him/others returning): Anyone know his reasons for leaving? Even rumoured ones? And, okay, here I go... :: deep breath ::... hit me with casting spoilers! Will Chris be back for the Christmas special? What about Billie? Is she signed up for all of season two? Just a few episodes? Oh and when will the new season start anyway? With the Christmas special?
Heh. Can ya tell I'm already feeling the withdrawal? ;P
Now, it figures of course that just when I get back online? I'll be away from home the next few days =P. I should have internet access though so I hope to start catching up on my flist, but I won't be able to upload any of my goodies until, at the earliest, late Monday night. Meaning they won't actually be posted until Tuesday. Ooh, speaking of goodies though, does anyone happen to have
Marc Cohn's "Man of the World"? I heard it a few days ago and was hit with a vid idea I'd reeeally like to follow up on.