:: aches ::
Being offline for a week? SUCKS.
Being offline the week of the Doctor Who season finale? REALLY SUCKS.
I'm back on Jilly's laptop here and in scrolling through my flist I'm seeing
iridescentglow art,
the_royal_anna fic, a Rose fanmix, and of course TONS of people posting their thoughts. And I? can't look at any of it yet! :*(
To cheer myself up though I've started working on a new music video. This one being a unabashedly fluffy and strictly Doctor/Rose vid* set to
Natalie Cole's "This Will Be (An Everlasting Love)". Hee. Denial? Me? Nooooo... ;)
*I don't think I mentioned yet that my first vid is for the episode "Father's Day" and focuses on Rose and her dad with Doctor/Rose shippyness as a side.
*sigh* Well anyway, I guess I'll try and catch up on some replies and maybe play around with this new tag feature for a bit :(. :: waves sadly to flist ::
ETA: Huh. Out of curiosity (since I won't be able to download anything until I get my own comp back) I stopped by my Doctor Who episode dealer and saw that the 50mb .wmv file isn't even up yet. Weeeeird. What this means is that even if my modem HAD been fixed I likely still wouldn't have seen "The Parting of the Ways" by now. Again I say, "Huh".