Jul 19, 2006 17:05
im pissed off and fed up with giving a damn at times..im tired of feeling ignored and shut out..i hate being taken advantage of cause i have such a big heart..im tired of regret and im tired of mistakes that even when u learn from them and move on..others hold grudges against u for them..i am done..i want to punch something or someone..wish travis would volunteer or any scumfuck themselves for a beating..i know i have a short temper but im very sensitive..sometimes being who u are isnt enough to some..and for those some fuck you!! i am never looking back ever..i wish those i care for well but for the rest..fuck u and your karma..im tired of being so damn emotional..at times i wish i was like the person i was years ago..an unemotional girl who people found mysterious and had to really dig deep to get inside my mind and now after my shell was cracked long ago..i am this vulnerable gullible weak woman who constantly tries to not hold grudges and gets hurt for given second chances..kindness is weakness i suppose and fuck a certain few i have tried to make friendships with and i get nothing back..theres no point..i care about my well being and i feel i always am disregarded..like a fucking decoy..we need kricket to make us laugh..we need kricket to be all quirky..aww kricket why so upset? cause i fucking am..and im depressed..there..i said it..no surprise though..yeah im depressed..this place depresses me and i want out so bad that it hurts..but i will be gone soon enough..and if those who claim theyre my friends they ll keep in touch or want to..i am tired..i am hiper..i am sad..i am silly..i am motived..i am in lazy mode..all in one all at the same time..i probably am crazy..damn i wish i had good drugs..damn i wish i could never crave..damn i wish i had true love which is better than any drug..damn wishing...damn dreaming..damn this anger and self loathing..i really need to go to anger management..cause i feel destructive..i feel i want to cause harm..i just want a good fight..punch someone or headbutt them and pummel them..i want my fists to ache..damn i need to get high or laid ha!