So Bitcoin is
experiencing issues?
The operative question for any product or service that starts to fail is: execution or product?
If you're selling horse drawn buggies in 1831 and you start failing, it might be a the way you're doing business. If you're selling horse drawn buggies in 1931 and start failing, well that's more likely to be product.
Virtual currencies aren't exactly new. Frequent flyer miles, and other rewards clubs are virtual currencies. Some of these work, some people avoid. For me, Bitcoin and
its kin need to make themselves stable, generally available and somehow compelling.
So how would you do it? Make a virtual currency viable that is?
What use could your urban fantasy character make of this
delightful piece of hand equipment?
If good parenting is a genetic suite, what chance do you think the next generation in
this family has?
Aging is one of those horrid things that we just can't control or predict too well. Health of all types from genetic disorders to infections, injuries, and stress levels affect it. The genes that control skin tautness and metabolism are another factor. What we do for a living, and how we have fun and or unwind are as well. That said, Halle Berry still looking better than nearly any woman on the planet at 45 is
probably a bit unfair.
One of the most endearing things about really good fiction is how well the characters outside the top tier are drawn. Often,even in otherwise very good books, the secondary characters are little more than mood strings or walking info dump excuses. In real life, and in fiction there are all sorts of ways to find out what people are made of. Michael Arrington the virtuoso behind TechCrunch showed us a few ways he put
his latest minion through the gauntlet.
Further proof that relying on Hollyweird for
gun safety knowledge is as useful as listing a pink unicorn that sneezes chocolate chip cookies on your wedding registry.