
Apr 09, 2007 22:32

You know that thing ppl say about how finding their true love makes them whole? I generally want to gag when I see that, since I figure if you're not whole to begin with you don't have any reason getting in a relationship. It's not fair to saddle someone else with half a person, and if you don't love yourself why should anyone else bother to love you?

But, I just realized something last night about this whole thing.

It's not being loved that makes you whole. It's being able to love someone ELSE, freely and with no fear of the consequences. That's what it was that made me so deliriously happy in Colorado even when life was boring or there was a lot of upheaval.

Just a little note for the singles and/or the misguided out there. Remember this. It took me 30 years to realize it, it'd be nice if others could realize it sooner. :)


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